i loved oblivion, it was an awesome game, and i doubt skyrim will be any different. one thing thats made me worried is the spell count. don't get me wrong, 85 spells is 85 spells, but remember in oblivion? they would have about 5 of every spell, causing only one to be a useful spell after training that skill? well I'm just wondering, did they mean 85 UNIQUE spells or just 85 spells with multiple copies of each spell.
Apparently the spells level up with you and the perks make them better/easier to cast/ have certain effects. Not sure though as the game isn't out maybe some spells will be like that and some wont
85 unique spells. That includes flame thrower spell, charging up fireball spell, fire rune spell, etc. You get different types of spell for each element.
85 unique spells. That includes flame thrower spell, charging up fireball spell, fire rune spell, etc. You get different types of spell for each element.
kk thank you, i was just worried about having 11 chameleon spells like in oblivion
Each element of destruction does different effects besides damage, too. For instance, I believe Frost will slow enemies down, shock will lower their stamina, and fire does DOT (I may be imagining these).
I think they try to make them useful for different situations like fire throwing for close range targets, fireball for long range and then there is the exploding fireball maybe for a long range group of enemies. gotta remember all the conjuration spells too as well as weapons you can conjure
They become stronger with perks/skill level rather than having copies. So a fireball at a low level with no perks won't be very powerful but a character with high destruction and perks will shoot much larger, more powerful fireballs, rather than having separate spells for the different fireballs. I think that's how it is anyway.
So if that is right, then it would be 85 unique spells which get better as you use them and add perks.