A year later was introduced to FONV which, after some explanation from friends about what things are, how things work (I'm not one for tutorials...) it quickly became a favourite game of mine. After a few months of playing NV I revisited 3 and, once again, didn't like it.
This weekend just gone, after recently having becoming well... very much *into* NV (let's not say obsessed), I decided to go out and buy FO3 again. This time I am really loving it! Not as much as NV, but it's still pretty good. God knows what changed in between, but I'm really glad I had the faith to pick it up again *+*+*+*
p.s I like Rivet City a lot, but I think there should be more quests there. My first few times I played I hated Megaton too, but now I think it's pretty cool.