1.- I'm currently using HGEC and I wanted to spice up the character faces cause you have to admit they look anything but decent in vanilla so i downloaded Ozmo's High rez skin texture and face texture. I wasn't quite sure if the skin textures worked properly since I couldn't tell very much the difference from the standard vanilla textures but the uaginas are shaved now so i guess it works (or maybe only that works some input on this would be nice). When I loaded the face textures everything went crazy, all the standard eye colors turned black and it added races that I never had in the first place! Aside from that when NPCs die they turn green and its freaky as hell. Ive used the install program that comes with both files, additionally I created Omods for each one of them (dont know if it was the right thing to do). Any input on solving this would be great.
2.-On a side note, I'm currently trying to make FCOM work, apparently it does since I′ve been following the TESIVPositive step-by-step guide meaning I have Wrye bash, OBMM, BOSS, OBSE TES4Gecko, etc. Theres a small detail though, I havent merged ANYTHING. I cant seem to figure out how to merge files, I'm kinda noobish and even though I've read countless FAQS and guides I dont know HOW to use it and can't even understand what it's for. I mean, I understand the basic underlining concept of merging plugins so that they dont conflict with each other (instead of having one plugin supersede the next based on load order they can both function by merging certain stuff?) but is there more to this? Id really like to know. I have the batch file and everything, as I said before its all there I have the ingredients for the cake and followed the cook book but I kinda dont know how the oven works if you catch my drift.
3.-When am i supposed to use OBMM and when should I use Wrye bash? With so many utilities its so darn confusing!! And how did people get to play FCOM succesfully before Wyre bash was even created? arrggg my brain hurts :banghead:
Halp please, I'll be eternally grateful... thanks in advance.
Wrye Bash's method for merging is so simple its easy to miss.
Open Wrye bash and look at your load order.
Find the bashed patch .esp and right-click on it. there should be an option to 'rebuild patch.'
Then you should have a list with check boxes. the 2nd checkbox should be 'merge patches.'
click that one, and check the esp's to merge.
click okay and it should do all the heavy lifting for you.
put bashed patch in your load order and disable all the esp's you told it to merge. in wryebash they should show a + instead of a check. in OBMM they will look completely disabled. That's how you merge esp's in wryebash
(as far as I know, im like the person who knows how to go to work and the grocery in the city, but not anywhere else

I've found I mainly use OBMM for installation of omod packaged mods and hand ordering mods that BOSS doesn't recognize. Wrye bash gets used to run BOSS and deal with merged mods. That's just me though, I know Wrye Bash CAN do a lot more. Good luck!