» Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:51 am
gamesas, I believe, has now grown to be possibly the world's largest game studio. (many other prominent names are actually multiple studios spread across different locations) So it's allright if they split off some to work on another Fallout. It grants more time so we don't wind up with another game released for the same console, which REALLY stymies the graphics and other technology of it.
And yes, making an epic RPG requires an epic amount of work. This isn't Call of Duty or Madden NFL where they can recycle 95% of the old resources, make new maps/update the rosters, and re-package it for another $60US.
That, and I have the impression few, of any of you, know how to properly make a game. "Production" is the process most of you identify with "developing a video game." "Pre-production" is the lengthy process most of you don't even know exists, where the team produces the design document for the game: it's the most critical piece, and why so many attempted indie games (I see one of those on the forums here every month) wind up failing, because they don't bother with that sort of thing. The design document gives the team a roadmap to work from, helps keep things in focus, and ensures that they don't wind up going off on a very destructive path of chain-changes. (which tends to kill off most independent projects)
Yes, for a game the scope of a TES game, producing a design document will likely run into taking years. This is perfectly fine; it's fully worth it. For you kids who are impatient and want more now, too bad: if they released a game every year or two, it wouldn't be remotely near as good. For now, just try and enjoy the game itself... Or get the PC version and enjoy the mods.