I should move to the point, so..I know that Skyrim is very good, and maybe better than Oblivion(better graphic)..but Oblivon has better STORYYYY, and what i like the most is 'SO MANY different WEAPONS' and armours ofc..i know-in the skyrim there are many different weapons, but in fact all the same..Weapons in Oblivion are totally different, every SINGLE weapon has his ''own world'' and it tells his STORY!!!when i was playing Skyrim i used ONLY mods from Oblivion..There are many more choices in everything(weapons, armors, spells). And i love 'antiquity' which can be found in Oblivion.Try to make maps and settlements as in Oblivion..Just..i'd love to you guys make a game like Oblivion in the future !! I know that a lot of people support me and i hope that ..and Sorry for may 'bad English' xD