I've the latest OBSE installed (0018 beta 6), and my Pluggy version is v125b.
"MrF_Spell_Efficiency.ini" is located in my data folder. This is the script that's supposed to read the file, but it keeps giving the default value, not the one from the ini file:
scn 01MrFSEReadINIarray_var Settingslong Filenamelong Sectionlong Keyfloat DebugBegin Function{}SetDebugMode 1Let Settings := ar_Construct Stringmapif IsPluginInstalled "OBSE_Elys_Pluggy" Let Filename := CreateString -1 "MrF_Spell_Efficiency.ini" Let Section := CreateString -1 "General" Let Key := CreateString -1 "fSpellEffectReduction" Let Settings["SpellEffectReduction"] := IniReadFloat Filename Section Key 0.1 SetString Key "fHeavyArmorModifier" Let Settings["HeavyArmorModifier"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 2 SetString Key "fHelmModifier" Let Settings["HelmModifier"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0.1 SetString Key "fCuirassModifier" Let Settings["CuirassModifier"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0.25 SetString Key "fGreavesModifier" Let Settings["GreavesModifier"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0.15 SetString Key "fGauntletsModifier" Let Settings["GauntletsModifier"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0.1 SetString Key "fBootsModifier" Let Settings["BootsModifier"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0.1 SetString Key "fShieldModifier" Let Settings["ShieldModifier"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0.3 Let Debug := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0.3 DebugPrint "ShieldModifier is set to %f" Debug SetString Key "bChangeGameSettings" Let Settings["ChangeGameSettings"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0 Let Debug := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key 0 DebugPrint "ChangeGameSettings is set to %f" Debug SetString Key "fPerkLightArmorExpertSpeedMult" Let Settings["fPerkLightArmorExpertSpeedMult"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key -1 SetString Key "fPerkLightArmorMasterRatingMult" Let Settings["fPerkLightArmorMasterRatingMult"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key -1 SetString Key "fPerkHeavyArmorExpertSpeedMult" Let Settings["fPerkLightArmorExpertSpeedMult"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key -1 SetString Key "fPerkHeavyArmorMasterSpeedMult" Let Settings["fPerkLightArmorExpertSpeedMult"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key -1 SetString Key "fPCBaseMagickaMult" Let Settings["fPCBaseMagickaMult"] := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key -1 Let Debug := INIReadFloat Filename Section Key -1 DebugPrint "fPCBaseMagickaMult is set to %f" Debug DestroyString Key DestroyString Section DestroyString Filenameelse Let Settings["SpellEffectReduction"] := 0.1 Let Settings["HeavyArmorModifier"] := 2 Let Settings["HelmModifier"] := 0.1 Let Settings["CuirassModifier"] := 0.25 Let Settings["GreavesModifier"] := 0.15 Let Settings["GauntletsModifier"] := 0.1 Let Settings["BootsModifier"] := 0.1 Let Settings["ShieldModifier"] := 0.3 Let Settings["ChangeGameSettings"] := 0endifLet Settings["Run"] := 1 Let Settings["HelmModifier"] *= Settings["SpellEffectReduction"]Let Settings["CuirassModifier"] *= Settings["SpellEffectReduction"]Let Settings["GreavesModifier"] *= Settings["SpellEffectReduction"]Let Settings["BootsModifier"] *= Settings["SpellEffectReduction"]Let Settings["GauntletsModifier"] *= Settings["SpellEffectReduction"]Let Settings["ShieldModifier"] *= Settings["SpellEffectReduction"]SetFunctionValue SettingsEnd
And this is the ini file itself:
[General]; ===== Script variables =====fSpellEffectReduction=0.1; The reduction in spell effectiveness with a full set of light armor.fHeavyArmorModifier=2; The multiplier for a piece of heavy armor.fHelmModifier=0.1fCuirassModifier=0.25fGreavesModifier=0.15fGauntletsModifier=0.1fBootsModifier=0.1fShieldModifier=0.5; Individual modifiers for each piece of equipment; If the sum of these is lower or higher than 1, ; the reduction with a full set of light armor will be ; lower or higher than fSpellEffectReduction.; ===== Game Settings =====bChangeGameSettings=1; Set to 1 to enable these changesfPerkLightArmorExpertSpeedMult=0.2fPerkLightArmorMasterRatingMult=1.1fPerkHeavyArmorExpertSpeedMult=0.6fPerkHeavyArmorMasterSpeedMult=0.2fPCBaseMagickaMult=1.5; Individual changes to various game settings. ; Set to -1 to disable a change to a specifc game setting.; Note that this will overwrite any changes to these game settings,; EVEN when these mods are loaded after MrF Spell Efficiency.
The DebugPrint does show up in the console, so that part of the script is running. However, it always returns the default value.
Could someone look into this, and help me?