1. GetEsp Bugfix: Should now be able to use the StringID parameter. Correctly returns -1 if an incorrect Temporary StringID (-2000 to -2009) is used.
2. v129-v131 Bugfix: The EspIDs and their corresponding ModIDs could become jumbled, possibly leading to strange errors as mods became unable to manipulate their Pluggy data. Should be fixed because of the following...
3. Behind-the-scenes changes to the EspID system - Completely overhauled the way Pluggy handles EspIDs so it's simpler and less prone to errors. This affects all ...Esp functions, all Create/New... functions, and generally all functions that accept EspIDs. I've given them a brief check to make sure they still work, but please try them out.
4. Upgraded the .dlx file to OBSE v18b4. This could potentially affect the Names functions, RunBatString, and KillMenu so please try them out. In the future, this upgrade should allow the use of OBSE strings.
5. A couple of users have reported sporadic CTDs while loading save games. I experienced it myself, but only once and couldn't get it to crash on the save game again. To help narrow down this bug, Pluggy will create a "Pluggy - possible CTD while loading save game.log" file, in the .dll directory, every time you load a save game. If you experience a crash, please follow the directions in the log file.
(I even uploaded the correct file for the source code this time )