So after finally starting work on my contribution to ModTown, I hit a massive wall... my plugin is now completely unloadable in the CS. But the weird thing is that it loads fine in-game? (There's one minor script error not finding a referenced object, but apart from that it loads fine).
The plugin isn't finished, so I need to find a way to exorcise it!
I am freaked out for two reasons: 1) If I can't get this plugin working, I've lost a huge chunk of my progress (I do have previous copies of the plugin which load, but they're from yesterday, and I really don't want to repeat hours of exactly the same stuff); and 2) what if this weird unknown thing happens to me while I'm working on my big project?!
Here is what I know/have tried:
- Restarting computer makes no difference
- Using a different MW directory makes no difference
- Cleaning the plugin using TES3CMD makes no difference (TES3CMD didn't modify the plugin)
- There is one minor script error in the plugin where I forgot to tick "references persist" for a referred to object (but I've done this plenty of times before and it's never been an issue)
- Loading the plugin in-game causes no issues; I can even go to the new area added by the plugin w/ no problems
- The newest version of the plugin is the first where I made it dependent on the ModTown .esm and added to the ModTown landmass (but I also added other stuff, so big deal?)
- Does the CS just hate me???
Important update -- using Wrye Mash to remove dependency on ModTown esm allows the plugin to load in CS