I've been playing Crysis 2 for a while now. Im at level 13 and, fortunately, I haven't lost assesments or anything. I keep having LOTS of MP issues (like random lag, like having a 100% maximum armor doing nothing for my survivavility chance, like losing all the energy if I switch from Clock to Armor, no matter of I shoot or not) but, when it works, this game is pure beauty; the best of Halo and CoD in the same game.
Unfortunately, there's something that breaks the experience no matter is the game "works or not", and that is the Spawnpoints. It feels like Crysis 2 was a game made to be played by yourself. Spawn points are not fixed places, so if you die, you tend to spawn in the total opposite site of the map were your team is, which means that you'll play by yourself until you manage to catch up with them, or worse, until you die and have the game spawn you somewhere else, far from your team.
I play TEAM instant action because I like team base shooters, and is really frustrating and stupid to spawn that far from my team when I joined a TEAM BASED GAME MODE. And, to make it worse, is so far from them, that most of the times the enemies are closer than my team, resulting in a fight of 1 vs 3 and, guess what, another death.
PLEASE fix the spawn points so you spawn near your team. I'm not saying that you make it like the Invasion Spawn system in Halo, in where you can spawn on one of your team mates, but at least CoD like, where your team mates are close at least.