Plz Someone Help

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:13 am

I have posted in several of the other threads and have written support. I have the serial login issue,my stats keep resetting, and for some reason when I set mycrisis account up for this game it mad 2 accounts for me. I had made my initial account and started playing. I had entered my pre-order code but it never showed up. I had gotten off the computer for a while and when I got back on I went to the forum and I noticed my screen name at the top was my full email address instead of just my name which is what I use to login in, in the game. So I start the game and login with my email instead and all my pre-order stuff shows up but all my stats reset.

I had followed the steps in the forum for the serial fix and it worked, that seemed to fix my stat issue, until tonight. I play the campaign for a few hours, I at the part were your going to blow the door open to the building that has the cradle in it towards the end. I get inside the building and get killed it reloads me all the way back several boards where you meet up with the platoon instead of the building entrance, I exit the game and start it back up and it asks for my serial. I enter it and check my save and it is still at the board I had completed earlier. I decided to check the multiplayer and sure enough it asks for my serial again and when I get it entered I find my stats and unlocks all reset. The weird thing is the unlocks still show as active even though it shows them as unpurchased.
PLZ any help would be great,I love this game but this is beyond frustrating!
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Isabella X
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