Set a record in running. Making people care about you. You only really die when the world forgets about you.
Set a record in running. Making people care about you. You only really die when the world forgets about you.
Im with you there. but how long can TES and ME and TW really last?
Pretty sure you die when you die. I want the best for people I care about after I'm dead, but don't care at all about how people remember me - I will never know, so it seems like a waste of time worrying about it.
I guess my question is, can you point to anything that makes these things more worthwhile than gaming? For example, I like to go running now and then - but having a world record in running does not interest me in the slightest, and the task of training sufficiently to get this record would take up time from other things that could be making me happy instead.
Playing a good game for a few hours each week, on the other hand, makes me happy, for a variety of reasons.
Studying made me happy while I was doing it, and also had the side effect of giving me qualifications that give me more job choices now. But I wouldn't say that studying was more *worthwhile* for me than gaming. Just different - a bigger, more daunting task with the rewards spread out more.
Also, certain games fill a lot of my mind-space - I often think of Morrowind when I see a certain type of architecture, mood, weather etc. Endless hours of Civilization have streamlined the way I think about realpolitik. The same goes for films, books - they have all affected the person I am today in small ways. So, to me, they are obviously far from pointless, because my thoughts obviously (almost tautologically) mean a lot to me.
They are what you allow them to be. They can be "just entertainment" and/or they can be your passion. I think of them as an equal form of art, storytelling, and culture as films, books, and so on. Want them to be a form of socializing? They've got you covered. A creative outlet or a job perhaps? Well, learn how to make them.
Really, video games can be almost whatever you want them to be.
It's funny that we call them video games nowadays. When I had a Nintendo (an NES) my parents used to call it 'computer games'. I'd say they were called 'video games'. Now in the present everybody calls them 'video games' even though 'computer games' would be a more accurate especially considering the non-anolog connections to our non-anolog TV's.
I think I might have meant dying in a less literal term. And I'm pretty sure you knew that. To your question, how many people will remember you for playing a lot of games
There are a few things gaming can be useful for, like
Also, I play games in other languages sometimes.
But mostly they're just another form of entertainment I guess.
Yeah, but that's exactly what I'm getting at: for some people (including me), being 'remembered' is completely pointless. I have absolutely no interest in whether I will be remembered or not. Sure, if being remembered matters a lot to you, maybe playing games isn't the best use of your time (unless gaming as a spectator sport becomes a big thing in the future). For others, it may be a very sensible use of some portion of their time.
No way I'm going to stop playing games,even if it is pointless. Anyway, if you can go through life knowing that you'll be forgotten and that you'll have no impact on the world whatsoever, thats okay. It's just not me though. But It'll probably turn out that way
You just have to have goals is all
Cool! In that case, here's hoping that you will be remembered for something incredible
(and that I maximize my happiness between now and my death!)
Enjoyment, stress relief, endorphins, brain and/or reflex exercise? Things that could be useful to general quality of life?
Return question: how about the other things you might do with your general "me" time.... watching TV, reading a book, reading the newspaper, listening to music, seeing a movie/play/ballet/etc, going to church... some of those things might help you by giving you information or inspiration - or enjoyment/stress-relief/etc as I mentioned above - but they also won't fit your criteria of Leaving My Mark Upon The World. So are they also without a point? Why? People care about me if they want to. And anyone who doesn't.... why would I care about what they think? Friends and family will probably remember me when I'm dead (of course, the family ends with me & my sister, neither of us want kids, so I guess just friends). Beyond that.... meh.
Ok. And?