» Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:08 am
Gauss rifle is not useless, its well worth leveling to 39.
It will also take away ALL the energy a person has (if you don't manage to 1 shot them).
Umm yes it is.
Why use the Gauss rifle when you can just as well use it as an attachment for any of the assault rifles. As an attachment it does the same thing, basically turns your assault rifle into a sniper rifle whenever you need it to...
AR scope is awful, I'd rather snipe with the reflex sight at long range over the AR scope. And no the gauss attachment isn't anywhere near the same damage as the rifle, there's also the difference of having 14 bullets (extended clip) with the rifle vs the 2 bullets in the attachment.
If you like to avoid close range fighting and have any skill with aiming and sniping, the gauss rifle is the best weapon you can use.