.-. why did bethesda do this

how do i kill off the legion and stop their assassins ?
Obsidian, not Bethesda

Understand that post-Hoover gameplay would do the game a dis-service and ultimately be an insult to the player. There are so many decisions our characters make and they have wide-reaching consequences. None of these would be felt if you could keep playing. Remember Broken Steel? It was a big F-U and basically rendered the Enclave as pointless.
If anything, Beth is to blame - they put on pressure with their time constraints. Even then, I'm not sure with more time Obsidian could pull it off. The ending slides are VERY comprehensive and to this day there is debate and speculation over the future of the Mojave. It's better this way, trust.
And those assassins are [censored] relentless, seriously. You're the Legions public enemy no.1 and they sure let you know it. You've simply got to be prepared with better weapons and hope you have the skill to use them. Don't worry, in time they'll become little more than a nuisance. If anything, with Jury Rigging, they're a godsend.