Pointers for a possible "dialogue fix".

Post » Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:14 am

Often when I kill enemy NPC's "too quickly", they say "Be careful!" or "What's the hurry?!" etc. I find this a bit annoying and immersion breaking, especially with enemies that are supposed to be bad guys. As there doesn't seem to be any mod dealing with it I thought I'd take a look myself, but I have no idea where to start as I've never messed with dialogues. Any pointers would be appreciated.

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Post » Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:20 pm

If you're talking about when someone is not an enemy, and then becomes one through a dialog or trigger, the only way I know to speed that up is through calling them to "EvaluatePackage". It just takes the game a second or two to catch up with itself and all the scripting and what not to thread. It would be a pretty monumental task to figure out every instance in the game this could be an issue and scripting those calls in. My suggestion is to just be a little more patient! ;)

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