Spears pointless? Oh the irony!

By now I don't have the strength to rebel against this anymore. I just laugh about the changes and cry into my pillow at night.
I especially like it when the devs go all strawman on us, saying things like "nobody wants to play a character that can't run" to justify the removal of athletics.
Well, I guess nobody wants to roleplay a character that can't buy stuff (bye-bye Mercantile), talk to people (bye-bye Speechcraft) or use armor (bye-bye Armor skills). So I would put those on the red list of endangered skills as well. :whistling:
Speechcraft is confirmed, Faulgor.
Take a look at the far left of this pic: http://www.rapidfiregames.com/sites/default/files/pics/pc/skyrim/skillsmenu.jpg
Unless there is some other skill ending in "AFT" like, say, "Papercraft" or "Witchcraft" etc.?
I'm hoping Mercantile will be merged with Speechcraft and the final remaining Stealth skill turns out to be something completely new and interesting, like perhaps some sort of Wilderness/Ranger type of skill, or something we haven't thought of yet. IMO if you are skilled at persuading people to do things (Speechcraft), you are also skilled at persuading merchants to reduce their prices (Mercantile).
However, it is possible the last remaining Stealth skill is simply Mercantile.