Poker in TES:V Anyone?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 am

hey i dont know if anyone else posted somthing like this. i looked this time and didnt come up with anything. so here goes.

aside from being able to wager on the arena fights in Oblivion, i didnt see much in the way of gambling, and even with the arena wagers, it capped out at 100 septim max wager.

so my question is this. would it be wrong to want a little bit of poker or black jack or for that matter even somthing totally new as far as a gambling game goes??? Lord knows the Dev team on the TES series are quite the brain stormers, and with all of the amazing and yet some how believable Lore they come up with, i find it hard to believe they cant come up with a great and new gambling game, if not 2 or 3 or even more. i would seriously like to find easier ways to make money (ingame respectively) then goin out and stealing, and killing/looting people and selling the stolen wares, although effective, it does somtimes get a little old, just putting the difficulty lvl on easiest, and goin out and massacreing the guards, looting there weapons and armour, and then selling it, and turnin around and doin it all over again. honestly i think it would also be good for me on a personal lvl, that way i can win and loose ingame and not have to quench my gambling urges in RL... lol jp jp... but all joking aside, does anyone else think this would be an accet to the TES series, or a burden???

also i have yet to hear anything about the alcohol and drug use (drug=Skuma fyi lol) and the fact that besides my stats go up or down in certain areas when used, there is absolutly no affect as far as visual or anything else. be quite honest with yall i dont even know what the effects (aside from stats) that skuma has on a PC (either ingame=none, or in a story type comic/movie/lore ect)

it would be cool if when you drink enough (wether stats are raised or lowered) maybe youll get a visual signifier letting you know when your drunk, like for instance you screen goes blurry and shakey (which wouldnt be far from the truth, especially since is a FPS) and also the diologue would be different too, say your [censored] faced, and you talk to an NPC wether it be a towns folk or a guard your diologue choices would be altered or perhaps in extreme cases completely different. like for example, instead of saying: hey, do you know where the town square is? you might say: heeeeeyyy, do YOU know, hic, where the town shhquare ish? (just an example) or in an extreme case maybe one would get a bit violent during a drunk episode. also it would be cool if diologue changed not only as you the PC got more and more drunk but also would be subseptible to how much infamy/famousness you have. for example if youve made it a habit to go out and masacre towns for 10 minits at a time before booking it, or paying the fine (another reason gambling can be so nice to have) or takin the hit and going to jail, then obviously your character would have a little more of a mean streak when drunk (just saying)

so anyways if yall read all of that i would be REALLY suprised. and i know i went on about the booze and drugs more than i did about the Gambling, but honestly it all coincides with each other

your a gambling drunk who likes to deal drugs. nuff said lmao

post away!
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:37 am

Heres the thing, Bethesda trys to make their games M rated, and anything that involes drug/alchol abuse and gambling will get an instant MA 17+ rating in most countries.

maybe youll get a visual signifier letting you know when your drunk, like for instance you screen goes blurry and shakey (which wouldnt be far from the truth, especially since is a FPS)

I hope you meant RPG not FPS, ause the elder scrolls are definately not a First Person Shooter.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:01 am

Heres the thing, Bethesda trys to make their games M rated, and anything that involes drug/alchol abuse and gambling will get an instant MA 17+ rating in most countries.

maybe youll get a visual signifier letting you know when your drunk, like for instance you screen goes blurry and shakey (which wouldnt be far from the truth, especially since is a FPS)

I hope you meant RPG not FPS, ause the elder scrolls are definately not a First Person Shooter.

so i'm taking it when you say "trys to make there games M rated" and "instant MA 17+" you mean that it could be a possiblity, am i right?

and what i meant by FPS was not to imply that TES was a shooter game i was just trying to say that in it being First Person based (third person is optional but the game was intended to be played FP) you would be seeing (visully from PC PoV) what your PC was seeing when he/she was drunk/stoned lol... if that makes any since lol
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Nick Swan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:34 am

You may want to repost this in the TESV Ideas and Suggestions thread, muthsera.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:44 pm

Suggestions for the next game go here please.
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