Todd himself implied that there won't be spears in his interview with GI. He named them as things people want, along with crossbows and "more races", two things that are extremely unlikely to happen.
And yes, it's a long axe. And a concept at that. The way the pole is bent, it's probably never going to be used exactly like this in game, since it would require unique animations just because of the pole. If it is, then only for the execution sequence, and as an axe.
The greyed out one is... well, greyed out. And staves are no news, they're for mages and probably not even usable in combat, seeing how all instances of staves within ingame-shots show them being held in one hand.
Well... He was pointing out the difference between a fan just wanting to add a bunch of crap and him wanting to refine the experience. so, yes, the implication is there but given I've alreadly pointed out that at this point I think he is taking the mick my opinion of the matter in unlikely to change based on the base facts. And those are that long, two-handed stick-like weapons have popped up in moderate number, suggesting that (at least more then yesterday) long, two-handed stick-like weapons are going to be in the game. Which, optimistically, could include spears. Which, we know they know we are crazy for and so, in all logic, could and would be saving that bit of info for later. You cannot give away the whole game in one reveal, afterall. Got to save something for the spring, summer and fall... Not to mention the actual game itself... Needs suprises of it's own.
So you are right. This was NOT the big spear reveal that perhaps your heart was looking for. But it is in no way, in NO SINGLE WAY, the final nail in the coffin. In fact, it is quite the opposite.