I would also like the inclusion of Spears and Pole arms. Both would require new animations though. Your not going to be swinging a Halberd or a lochabor axe like a Great axe, things are to long for that

Having the option of a two handed spear and a spear and shield would be pretty damn bad ass. But I don't think a spear of any type would be a dragon slaying weapon. A Halberd would be a more effective tool to use on a dragon, big ol axe head on the end with the length of that pole would make for a hard hit. But When I think of the weapons that hero's use to slay man and great beast alike, Its normally a Claymore or a Great axe that is most used. Ya know...

I would like to have a spear and shield though while my Nord travels Skyrim from day to day, and when things get a little to dicey and my spear isn't gonna save me from that troll, I'll take out my trusty Skyforge Greatsword and hack a [censored] down
I would also like to see Slings and javelins (darts) and thrown hand axes for range combat. This is the land of the Nords who are based off Scandinavia/Scottish culture and those 3 weapons were common place. It would feel more barbaric and rough than say a Bow and arrow. Slings would have less range than a bow but be blunt damage with a easy free supply of rocks, or you could buy actual stones from a vendor which fly farther and do more damage. Javelins would have even less range but would out damage the sling and the bow. And the hand axe would be the most damaging but you'd have to be pretty much breathing the same air as the poor guy you were about to throw an axe at.