For the map I am looking at using the 20,000-10,000-5,000 system for the default of cities;
Tenochtitlan had 300,000 people living in
Well-well-well. I would be willing to join in this. Coming out of retirement~
Anyways, let me get down to the reviewing. First of all: there needs to be a financial system. RPers, and don't take this seriously, tend to pull money out of thin air. There must be concequences for every single thing: and the hosts will have to jump down throats with this. The treasury of a country is not infinite, therefor, there will have to be an understanding between said RPers and hosts about how much a country has. The ruler(s), of course, can pull money from the people, but that can have catalysmic effects which can utterly destroy a country. This includes revolts, depressions, rich get richer poor get poorer, etc. You get the gist. Anyways, places like Orsinium or Black Marsh, for example, would not need as much money to rally their troops. Why? Because they are self-reliant countries. They rely more on the earth and it's minerals rather then the coin, making them a financially stable country, even on the rainy days. This doesn't mean, however, that said rulers are exempt from the financial police, because, they can still run themselves into a wall and run out of money.
Now for the fun stuff! I am guessing that most of this will be centered around High Rock, and the outside world will have little to do with the actual RP. This however, isn't always so. Lots of places get their food, such as those eggs, from Morrowind. Say Morrowind goes into a depression, or goes into war, they are either going to be conserving their food, or selling it like crazy for more funding. Now, the RPers must understand, this is not a
WAR RP. I have a sinking feeling that everyone is going to be declaring war within the first page. I do not, however, ban war from happening. This is a political RP, things are tense, I understand there is going to be war. But let's not overdo it, shall we? Bretony, from what I understand, is like a Ancient Greece. City-States govern themselves, but, there is a centralized power which still watches over them. I forewarn you, I have a feeling that there is going to be some revolt, some failure, some success, and some annexation. The map which you have showed us, Wooly, will be forever changing. So, in this sake, the leaders of Bretony will not have as much power as the absolute rulers down in Daggerfall. Daggerfall, methinks, is like a 14th century France. Louis XIV, the sun god, versailles, all that good stuff. That ruler is going to be dominant; and he is going to want an army to crush the opposing enemy. Which makes sense, because they have a tough army.
Religion is going to make things worse. From what I understand, all Bretons, high and low, revere the same deities, no? So: how is going to be the martyr country? That's the million dollar question. And, depending upon who wants to lead them, they will be Crusaders, or they will be Monks. Either way, they will be the center piece of this whole RP. Because, people, especially the fancy pansy church people, are going to migrate to that country. That place will be a center of culture, making it the best place to be. They are going to be rollin' in the cash, and, depending upon what they spend with it, they will either be the king or the pawn. My money's on the king.
Well, there is some feedback. Glad to be back? Leel.