I am curious as to peoples thoughts on this. In the past(and some currently), MMO's have basically given you no limit to how many abilities you can have "slotted". Whether it be a different bar to put more on, or simply assigning skills to mouse-buttons you had every ability you'd earned available to you.
My personal opinion is that 5 is certainly not enough. Basically we're being forced to "Pre-Load" our skills based off of what we're going to be doing. So if you're in AoE mode(for lack of a better phrase), and get chased away from that situation, or start chasing someone away, you're going to be at a disadvantage because of what you have slotted.
I assume some of the arguments are going to be:
"it's being designed for consoles too."
Sure, but they have more than 5 buttons to use. Regardless of the fact that they'll be on their own server.
"nobody should be able to spam EVERYTHING!"
Mana/Stamina will quickly prevent you from doing exactly that.
I think the decision to make it only 5 buttons makes the game easier, many of us don't want easier.