"The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual. only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banolity of evil and the terrible boredom of pain." — Ursula K. Le Guin,
If tragedy is good storytelling then the Carcrashians and Joisey Bore would be good or any of the X wives of whateverton or soap opera trash.
Meaningful conflict, meaningful tragedy is the soul of drama.
Personally I would like to see more awesomeness, coolness and success. One of the reasons I loathe the Nolanverse "batman" is that he is a BINO who loses a lot and gives up and that isn't Batman but a guy who dresses up as a bat.
Could you see Bale go up against Clayface, the real Bane with Venom or dodging Darkseids Omega Beam? Of course not, because he is a whiny loser who gets defeated by dogs.
To quote the Joker: There is nothing "mere" about that mortal. That is Batman to me, not that Bale Batman in name only.
My main issue with the East Coast BoS is their bigotry.
Bigotry is irrational and is the product of a malfunctioning, illogical, irrational mind and the problem with irrationality is that people who believe in one irrational thing often believe in other irrational things as well.
That is why the BoS are so arrogant, prideful, incompetent and moronic.
If they just wanted to annilate all the feral ghouls and crazy supermutants and destroy the Institute but leave the Synths who are free of their influence alone they would have focused on rationals actual threats but instead they go all Warhammer 40K Space Marine on us.
I'm down with destroying all the ferals, the violently aggressive supermutans and rogue synths.
Just leave my John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Fawkes, Marcus, Raul, Harold, Curie and the others alone and we cool.
The beautiful thing is that the seed for these ideals were already planted in F3 and a lot of what they currenty do was well foreshadowed with the Midwestern chapter, Lord Ashur in the Pitt and the comments from the rank and file in F3.
Not every loyalist were as idealistic and keen on Elder Lyons vision, many questioned his decisions and weren't happy with it but they didn't mutiny.
Another clever bit of writing is that history is written by the survivors.
The majority of the Commonwealth BoS is made up of the Outcasts and their view of things shine brightly in the official histories and rather tellingly tend to gloss over such trifling issues such as if it weren't for Elder Lyons and his policies they wouldn't have their shiny new vertibirds, project Purity and Adams air force base.