If your character goes for Azura's Star, which do you usually go for, Black or White? Choose the one you pick most, amongst all your characters, please
If your character goes for Azura's Star, which do you usually go for, Black or White? Choose the one you pick most, amongst all your characters, please
Any characters who get into enchanting with moral....ambiguity the Black Star comes in mighty handy for grand soul harvesting
Those who enchant but frown upon necromancers and the like usually find soul trapping necromancers in the Black Star to be a fitting punishment and will take advantage of this periodically
The few who go White Star do so because they see the benefit to having a Daedric Prince (and her acolyte) in their corner
I've always just helped Azura. But I've also never used her star, I keep it locked away.
White, doesn't matter what type of character I'm playing. I like Azura, ever since that time in Morrowind...
Azura's one of my favorite daedra. The other's Meridia. I've had various toons get the black version, but far more often I go for white.
Eh, yeah. No matter which star I've got, I don't use it - it gets put in a display case or something.
I always go for the white star. Besides, Azura's awesome.
My (one and only) character is a friend of Azura. White Star only.
Black Star. Everytime. Except that one time. But I don't talk about that one time.
Azura's Star, though only used once. It gets locked away.
Mm, depends on the character. But if you like numbers-
20% Take the black star while 40% take Azura's star.
The 20% that take it like to think they've tricked a Daedric prince. Even though we know those damn Daedra always win in the end.....
40% were the Dunmer master race and worshiped Azura.
I've probably had 10 or 12 characters with any intent of doing the quest. In every case the choice was black. I use the unofficial patches that changes the Black Star to work as described through in-game dialog. I like that consequence of using the item.
I've only done this quest once. It was on an early non-roleplaying character. I chose White because I wanted Aranea Ienith as a follower.
Black, of course. It's too useful to just throw it away.
This puzzled me. I can not recall any consequences talked about in the game (Skyrim). I use the USP's, also, so maybe I'm forgetting a "vanilla twist" that got fixed?
Looks fairly even right now. Me, I'm a White Star kinda guy. Usually Azura's Star gets filled once and that's it for me. It definitely is not one of my "most used Daedric Artifacts"
I did get the Black Star once to see what it was like. It was just not the same for me. I felt "dirtier" having chosen that route
Nelacar tells your character, the White Star can only hold white souls, while the Black Star can only hold black souls. The game evidently tagged the Black Star as a reusable Black Soul Gem and not the consequential mechanics of choosing the Black Star, as described through in-game dialog.
However, this is somewhat debated as to the intent versus dialog and vice versa. Personally, I favor the fix by the patch.
Typically the white star. I got the Black Star one time for an assassin build. I'd use it only on my targets as the way to recharge my dagger of choice.
I recall doing something similar with an assassin character in Oblivion. They would capture the target and rename the soulgem with the targeted NPC. Great trophies, indeed.
That's exactly what I did, re:trophies. I had a chest full of different blades with different enchantment combos to choose from.
I may have overstated by saying rename, however, it's been a long time. I think the Black Soul Gems in Oblivion showed the name of the NPC captured, by default.
Nonetheless, I never thought to actually use the souls captured to enchant an item as a named trophy. I like it.
Ah, I gotcha. I've not played Oblivion so I did not know it displayed the NPC name.
I am almost inspired enough the create an assassin that captures the soul of the target and enchants one of their personal items.