When I tried to post something about the 360 version of this mod in the actual Modding forum, a moderator locked my thread and posted this: Modding an Xbox is against the EULA and is therefore not allowed as a topic of discussion here.
Wow, these are the most uptight forums I have ever been on. It's a focking message board, not primetime national TV. Anybody who is interested in this mod just look for it to be showing up on YouTube soon under the name Fallout 3 Insane Mode, I'm sick of these [[[[CENSORED!!!]]]] forums. Hell, since Bethesda doesn't want any of it to be discussed on their site anyway, I'm gonna put a bunch of the evil character-type mods in there too. Maybe I'll finally let people on the 360 wipe that chit-eating grin off MacCready's face... hmmm...

Since I am in rage-at-Bethesda-mode, I just want to say word on the street is Skyrim will be MUCH easier than Oblivion (a cakewalk in my opinion), perhaps (this is just speculation on my part) partially due to the new attribute-less upgrade system. To me, Oblivion was not challenging unless you purposely set up a bad character, or maybe just didn't pay attention when you were building a character and leveling. As much as I'm looking forward to Skyrim, if a game has no challenge, I get bored quickly. My friend's five-year old son was able to completely own in Oblivion on the default difficulty, all I did for him was the initial character set-up and hotkeys. (with high starting Willpower & Endurance, hotkey a sword, shield, a couple damage spells, heal spell, mana potion, heal potion, and you're probably not gonna die much). Todd Howard even said he wants all types of gamers (in other words, noobs) to be able to "enjoy" Skyrim. Since Bethesda apparently has no plans for anything similar to a hardcoe Mode (something to add challenge that goes beyond the simple HP tweak when going to Hard or Very Hard) for Skyrim, I hope most of you guys on here who are really, really looking forward to the game as much as I am either A] svck at games or B] enjoy being bored.

bliviongate: when you're Level 1 = :mohawk:
Two days later when you're Level 15 = :snoring: