How in the all the planes of Oblivion do you not know Mr Bean?
I think I might be the only Stormcloak who doesn't care for Talos
How in the all the planes of Oblivion do you not know Mr Bean?
I think I might be the only Stormcloak who doesn't care for Talos
I fight for Skyrim, but I don't like Ulfric.
I fight for Skyrim and dislike Ulfric but understand that he's a necessary evil as someone has to rally the true sons and daughters together. My Nord fights for his home and his kinsman, not to put Ulfric on the High Throne as he's unworthy of the crown in the eyes of my Nord.
I fight for Skyrim, and I like Ulfric. He's a complicated man and I don't like some of the stuff he's done, but I think he's an honest and earnest man.
I don't hate the Empire, but I dislike empires. And therefore I fight for Skyrim.
I can't say that I like or dislike Ulfric. I like Galmar though.
I've always supported the Stormcloaks, but I've never done the civil war. Why? Because after finishing both the main quest and dragonborn dlc. I feel the Dragonborn is to powerful to control, and the troubles of Skyrim are beneath him.
You should have added Other for Ulfric as well.
For some of my Nord characters it's mostly obvious, most of them fight for Skyrim and they would die for Ulfric.
My Imperial and Dunmer characters that joined the Stormcloaks (that I roleplayed them as being friends) joined him because they were both born and raised as traditional Dunmer children are, were taught about what opression is and they both greatly sympathize with Ulfric and his sense of honor and yearning for freedom of his people, their culture and their country. And both of them don't like Imperials much (not even the Imperial, at all).
Eh, part of the backstory I have for piece of a "family tree" for a lack of a better wording, that are related to the old Ashlanders, not quite related to the official lore.
I did vote other, but I also voted yes. Ulfric is a leader and I see his point of view and can use his rage to help drive out the only other force that can oppose me. I will gain his favor and be a hero to the Free Skyrim. I will save a place for in my kingdom.
My Redguard supports the Stormcloaks cause for separation from the Empire. After leaving Hammerfell to sell his wares, he got caught up in the civil war and after what the Empire tried doing with Hammerfell without their consent, he decided the Empire needed to fall if for anything just because it had become a shell of it's former self, even if that means eventual the rise and expansion of the Aldmeri Dominion. To him, that was a better potential option than the Empire regaining it's power over Hammerfell and possibly betraying their people again.
To answer the questions:
1. Hate the Empire. Not really agreeing with the Stormcloaks, but the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is a friend.
2. Indifferent, but I answered no since I do not like him. Really think there should be a third option of indifference.
My characters fight for Skyrim, and yes, they like Ulfric very much. They believe he is doing the best he is able for his people and country against a decaying Empire that only wants what will benefit them.