Non Stormcloaks please read the spoiler
Stormcloaks. Why are you a Stormcloak?
do you like Ulfric?
I fight for Skyrim.
I like Ulfric as a leader but I do not fight for him.
I am neutral to Ulfric, only reason I join the stormcloaks is because THEY did not try to cut my head off
Why do I support the Stormcloaks? Because the Empire has been going downhill for a long time now, and there is a major development in Skyrim that puts its survival in a highly uncertain position, regardless if Skyrim remains or not.
Do I like Ulfric? Sure, why not? He is not perfect, but he is likable enough for me. I rather have him in charge of Skyrim than the Empire, that is for sure.
Can there be a both option for the poll, or should I just vote other? Here's my reasons.
And yes, I like Ulfric. I think he genuinely believes in the cause and wants power solely to lead his people and save Skyrim. I haven't seen compelling arguments that show otherwise yet.
Join the Empire, go down with them.
Join the Stormcloaks, die after taking an arrow to the knee.
Please convince me to not like Ulfric heh
but can you comment on who's most attractive beetwen ralph fiennes and rowan atkinson?
really, wow, I must be getting old, oh well but can you appreciate ulfric for his fashion sense at least?
Fight for Skyrim. I'm fine with Ulfric, he led the cause to make Skyrim an independent nation, whether it was really for the people of Skyrim like he claims or because he wanted to be high king doesn't really matter. If he frees Skyrim from the Empire like he promises then I'm fine with him taking the mantle of high king as his reward. Plus by Battle for Solitude you get promoted to Stormcloak Officer and after it you are the one who stands by his side with Galmor. With that type of tile and him as king that is a pretty high position to hold politically in Skyrim.
If you don't like him, then there's nothing I can do to convince you. If you don't like him after hearing this:
Then you never will.
I like that he doesn't conveniently die and Galmar makes me the leader and proclaims me high king. I like being "stormblade".
Tdroid pretty much sums it up for me.
Join the stormcloaks, and die married?
I'm pro independent-Skyrim, but Ulfric goes a little too far with the 'Skyrim is for the Nords' [censored], especially with the way he treats the Dunmer in Windhelm.
What? He is keeping an ear out for them, but he has no money to do anything about. There is a conversation with him and his Steward about this. Also, the dunmer living in Windhlem are not his subjects, therefore, Ulfric has no obligation to really do anything about them. Now, if a dunmer does declare himself a subject of Easternmarch, then he can be subjected to all the benefits and laws under Easternmarch, and therefore Ulfric. Of course, that'd also mean they'd have to pay taxes to the Jarl now
Also, Skyrim for the Nords thing is less "Skyrim needs to be a nord only country" and more "We don't want to be ruled by those who live far away from Skyrim." After all, he wouldn't let anyone, except nords, join his army.
Miraak? What are you doing? You're supposed to be petitioning me for High King of Skyrim for I am the most competent leader for Skyrim's independence!
Seriousness: My only character that joined the Stormcloaks was my first character when the game came out. A Breton sorcerer. I felt for the Stormcloak cause, and admired their will to be independent. But half-way through the Stormcloak questline and listening to all the [censored] Galmar spews + blatant xenophobic and borderline racism from other Stormcloak officers and soldiers, and I began to regret it. Galmar's comments on the Breton race also pissed me off. And the fact that there are only Nords in the Stormcloaks and I really began to feel out of place, even as a Breton - another "human".
Then I do some more history on the Altmeri culture and the whole 9 yards of what Talos really is and what he did... and then I joined these lovely forums and met the zealous Stormcloak supporters here... And now I hate the Stormcloaks. I also hate Talos as a man and a God, so I could care less how much the Thalmor are suppressing his worship. Good riddance. I would want the same thing if my race was treated that way by a man who was then worshiped by X and Y race as a hero-God. If I wanted to join a zealous group of extremists, I would rather join the Thalmor as at least I can relate to them.
I also hate the Empire too... So I usually don't do the civil war. I just mind my own business and let the two idiots kill each other while I resurrect their corpses and attack both of them. Pathetic.
Anyway, my one and only stormcloak aiding character's reasons:
For Skyrim's freedom, and he does not like Ulfric.