Also post the exact amount in this thread if you would like.
Also post the exact amount in this thread if you would like.
The only thing I've spent in regards to ESO is buying the game itself. My rig is more than capable of playing ESO as it is.
whats a cooling pad platform?
never heard of it, and i have huge heat issues
i live and play from Thailand 6-8 months a year, with temperatures of 40+ celcius in my room at times, anything that could help with heat i want to get
back on topic i bought a new mouse, that i intend to bring to Denmark, as the computer i use there have one of those old mice with the ball inside lol
when i come back to Thailand in August, i intend to get water cooling for my PC, and if they have some other obvious improvements that aswell
and it sounds like ill have to get a cooling pad platform as well, i may have to check before i leave if thats something i can get here or need to bring back from Denmark
edit NM i see the cooling pad was for a laptop...
New desktop and 3 monitors for me,
Amd 8350 (yes i know not as good as intel but sick of intel changing mobo platforms every new cpu)
16 gig of 1866 crucial ballastic ram
corsair 1050 watt psu
asus crosshair v mobo
3 samsung 250g ssds
2 tb seagate storage drive
dual evga 780ti's
and all tucked into a nice coolmaster storm trooper full size case
My wife should of know better then to leave me alone in microcenter while she went into trader joes, it was like giving a crack addict an unlimited supply
Have bought about $600 in upgrades to play ESO on max settings.Was due for upgrades anyways so ESO was the perfect excuse to do so.
"No I already have the best set up possible"
Not exactly true, but it was the closest option. I don't have the best set up possible, but I do have one that can run the game at max settings at 50+ fps in most cases. I'm completely content with it.
Why there are no such option "no - but i look if this game developes further and make decission after that. " Only No and never was close enough.
I was already prepared to bought new computer (+1200 €) and invest to game but... And spring and summer is near so I do not have time.
yeah i figured out my mistake, hence the edit
i guess to me it just never crosses my mind to even think about gaming on a laptop
im probably just to old LOL
Unless people actually needed to upgrade an outdated machine, making specific upgrades just because of ESO sounds dumb lol.
it's never a good idea to insert new hardware without making a clean install of an OS.
no matter how much it may say it's "ok" to do it, being sure its taken maximum advantage of by simply reinstalling an OS always managed to put my mind at ease.
New graphcis card, not because I needed to but wanted to. It was the last real upgrade for my PC and I'm good for the next decade.
Doubled up my titan for no good reason other than it's cool, and a new PSU. There isn't too much more I can cram in this tower so I'm done for awhile.
Nope, got a pretty kick [censored] rig already.
Even if I didn't I'd never upgrade for just one game, once you start attaching hundreds of dollars to a single games value in your mind you start finding it very easy to raise your expectations of the games quality and as a result finding it very easy to get disappointed.
New graphics card here, $160 with tax. I wasn't actually planning to buy it specifically for TESO, as I've been debating upgrading it for all games for a while now, but a couple of days ago one of the connections on my current card went bad, so it seemed like as good a time as any. My PC is otherwise plenty beefy, and easily upgradeable.
I'm considering adding a second monitor, or at least I was, until the money for that went for the new card, heh. Now I'll be waiting a month or so on that.
Have an awesome PC already so I will have just spent money on the Physical Imperial Edition when they charge my CC as soon as they ship it.
I bought a 780ti to replace my ailing 7950, not really related to the game though.