Poll - Vote Kick Feature

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:04 am

Is a console really that hard to use? ...I had more faith in the community. I guess you always have to complain about something.

What if they made it devcon-only so that not every noob in the game organises a witch hunt against better players? Did you ever consider that? The community was split even before the change; half the people were afraid what would happen to pros playing, the other half wanted a kick system. Crytek does a compromise so that both interested parties are content with the new feature, but no...here you go, saying the patch is s**t...again.

My favorite thing is that several of the hackers have created a spam for the votekick system so hackers can kick whoever they want, but you can't kick them.
This is a big problem though, hope it doesn't get spread across most of the fools.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:36 pm

The problem seems most people do not visit the forum so they don't know what is going on . This could be different when after the patch finished to install , automatically the browser opens the forum page with the list of changes or at least shows the classic >> READ ME Patch notes.txt <<< after some installation.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:04 am

This is the most pathetic attempt at a vote-kick system I have ever seen. Crytek, I am disappoint.
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Jeremy Kenney
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