Poll: What Would You Like To See

Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:13 pm

Not really, most people I've met online in clans were MAJOR [censored] bags, I don't want anything built into stroke their ego.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:54 am

@Mad Hatter
true, true, i'm just afraid putting in clan support when other games dont have it might draw more in.
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:39 pm

It sounds like you've run into nothing but bad clans Pyrishima. They're not all like that. Of course, you wouldn't really be able to tell if someone was in a casual clan, since they'd just act like a regular player. And anyway it's not like giving them no support would stop the bossy try-hards from being bossy try-hards. :shrug:

Exactly if someone goes on a power trip its not because they are in a clan its because thats there personality and mentality. Wether they are in a clan or not they would be like that you cant put all eggs in one basket because of a few bad experiences you have come across. I have come across randoms in PUB matches that team kill for fun and just try and sabotage the time for laughs should I start catagorizing all randoms into a group saying they are all TK douches? No because not everyone is like that there is always going to be people with a chip on there shoulder, people who looks for ways to cheat, people who think that they know everything and so everyone needs to do what they say. It has nothing to do with clans thats based on the player. I had a clan on Resistance2,KZ2,MAG and sure I had people do tryouts but not necessarily just for the sake of judging there ability more so to see if ther personality would fit in with my guys,they listened well and acted in a mature way. Skill is important but i'll take a decent player with a good attitude who listens any day over someone who is really good but his dynamic doesnt fit it creating tention throughout the clan.
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:47 pm

W:ET has the ability for clan run servers to add their own sound clips, splash images etc. This was a great way to make the servers have some personality, and attract certain types of players. Wodanfire.com was (is) a great example. It would be great if BRINK allowed some server customisation like this. Superficial stuff, really, but again, it makes the servers distinguishable.

Just a thought.

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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:34 pm

W:ET has the ability for clan run servers to add their own sound clips, splash images etc. This was a great way to make the servers have some personality, and attract certain types of players. Wodanfire.com was (is) a great example. It would be great if BRINK allowed some server customisation like this. Superficial stuff, really, but again, it makes the servers distinguishable.

Just a thought.


Holy *tuut* I started my ET carreer on the wodanfire server.
But you're right. Being able to customize servers made them really stand out between the others.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:31 pm

Yea thats a great way to get people to group together looking for the same things. Doesnt really help with personality flaws and trash talkers but atleast that way people looking for amore competitve lvl have there own place to group and challenge themselves. But what about consoles still doesnt do anything for them?
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Wayne W
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:53 pm

I vote AGAINST leaderboards, and anything clan exclusive.

Tournaments? There are 3rd partty competitions you can use.

Replays? Love it... but for all matches, not just "clan battles"

"Clan Challenges"??

Personally I oppose clans.
I am Ronin (Warrior w/o a master ;))
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emily grieve
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:53 am

Alright, so after making my initial thread, I was referred here.

Anyway, I 100% agree with the idea that in many FPS games today, they are merely introducing clans as nothing more than a friend/tag system. This makes the system completely useless in the game. However, regarding many peoples comments about clans being an excuse to brag or just kids wanting a tag. You view it this way mainly due to game not releasing any content or features related to the clan system. This is the exact thing we want to avoid. We want the developers to create the game to support clans, and implement them as a feature that will be released to the game, not as some eye candy that creates negativity.

Thus, the game is in need of features to create a stronger competitive play to the game. To create a stronger purpose for the more than occasional players who wish to expand their game time in Brink beyond the usual jump in and PvP for simply the occasional fun. Let's be honest here and look at this from our side as the players and the games side for the developers. The current economy is weak, and players of video games must be more picky in what game they choose to buy. So looking at it this way, Brink has to provide us a reason to buy their game. One of the main reasons to buy a multiplayer game is for the longevity of playing the game. If I plan to buy Brink, and if many others plan to buy Brink, people want to know that they will be playing it for a long time. Therefore, features regarding clan support will help provide this reason for continuous play. The gamers will buy the game, group up, consistently play and provide a much larger online gaming presence.

Now the developers have to look at this from another point. They want their game to stay alive and for people who buy the game down the road or looking to buy the game to have a reason to play. At the release of Brink, it will have plenty of people to sustain enjoyable and varied matches. However, once the large amount of initial purchasers finish the story or have played the general PvP match repeatedly, they will grow weary of the game if it has no further direction or purpose. Therefore, the player base will begin to dwindle, and their will be less and less people to be matched against. This leading to a much faster decline in the game, and less reason for people to play the game in the future.

Therefore, implementing clan features can really only help the game in it's sales and longevity. It in no way detracts from the occasional player who could care less for clans, and it only stimulates the more frequent player who enjoys playing in a clan and competing against others with a consistent name, reason, and purpose.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:04 am

custom maps add more to replayability than any clan style support, mods can add even more

just look at Splash Damage's first game Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory. still going strong after 7 years
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James Smart
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:01 pm

Alright, so after making my initial thread, I was referred here.

Anyway, I 100% agree with the idea that in many FPS games today, they are merely introducing clans as nothing more than a friend/tag system. This makes the system completely useless in the game. However, regarding many peoples comments about clans being an excuse to brag or just kids wanting a tag. You view it this way mainly due to game not releasing any content or features related to the clan system. This is the exact thing we want to avoid. We want the developers to create the game to support clans, and implement them as a feature that will be released to the game, not as some eye candy that creates negativity.

Thus, the game is in need of features to create a stronger competitive play to the game. To create a stronger purpose for the more than occasional players who wish to expand their game time in Brink beyond the usual jump in and PvP for simply the occasional fun. Let's be honest here and look at this from our side as the players and the games side for the developers. The current economy is weak, and players of video games must be more picky in what game they choose to buy. So looking at it this way, Brink has to provide us a reason to buy their game. One of the main reasons to buy a multiplayer game is for the longevity of playing the game. If I plan to buy Brink, and if many others plan to buy Brink, people want to know that they will be playing it for a long time. Therefore, features regarding clan support will help provide this reason for continuous play. The gamers will buy the game, group up, consistently play and provide a much larger online gaming presence.

Now the developers have to look at this from another point. They want their game to stay alive and for people who buy the game down the road or looking to buy the game to have a reason to play. At the release of Brink, it will have plenty of people to sustain enjoyable and varied matches. However, once the large amount of initial purchasers finish the story or have played the general PvP match repeatedly, they will grow weary of the game if it has no further direction or purpose. Therefore, the player base will begin to dwindle, and their will be less and less people to be matched against. This leading to a much faster decline in the game, and less reason for people to play the game in the future.

Therefore, implementing clan features can really only help the game in it's sales and longevity. It in no way detracts from the occasional player who could care less for clans, and it only stimulates the more frequent player who enjoys playing in a clan and competing against others with a consistent name, reason, and purpose.

Exaclty my point . Too many people look at clans and supporting them as a negative thing that will only hurt the game when in reality it helps it. They will sell more copies if the game appeals to a broader audience. Meaning they will continue to release content for the game via DLC and patches to fixing issues because the gme is making more revenue and seeing more people showing interest in the game. It is a nice addition to any game because it gives players another playing field to play on if they like or even if they are not looking to get real serious a place to meet like minded gamers and group up for fun fighting other clans ect. Like I said before I really think all FPS's should have clan support because it significantly increases the replay value and shelf life of the game. After you get all the trophies, complete all in game challenges, beat the campaign numerious times and play online things can get stail quick. Things become predictable and there isnt anything to work for so alot of gamers loose interest and move on to the next big FPS whats out. With suport for clans keeps things fresh, gives players a more competitive level to play on, can challenge themselves and there skills making themsevles only that much better and gives them something else to work towards. Not to mention meeting like minded gamers what make you want to play the game more.
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le GraiN
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:38 pm

I personally think Clan Support is very good idea no matter if you have PC, Xbox or PS3. I would support it because I run my own clan as well and it would great. However, from the videos and interviews I have watched I get the impression that are not going to put any really clan support in Brink besides a Clan Tag. I think it has to deal with the issue of time and the fact that they don't want to make Brink a competitive shooter where gamers will get obsessive with K/D, Leader Boards and the like so that is why SD are not adding in KI/D and Leader Boards. So, if they are not adding K/D and Leader Boards they are more likely not adding Clan Support as since most clans and members get obsessive about K/D and Leader Boards.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:08 am

I personally think Clan Support is very good idea no matter if you have PC, Xbox or PS3. I would support because I run my own clan as well and it would great. However, from the videos and interviews I have watched I get the impression that are not going to put any really clan support in Brink besides a Clan Tag. I think it has to deal with the issue of time and the fact that they don't want to make Brink a competitive shooter where gamers will get obsessive with K/D, Leader Boards and the like. That is why SD are not adding in KI/D and Leader Boards. So, if they are not adding K/D and Leader Boards they are more likely not adding Clan Support as since most clans and members get obsessive about K/D and Leader Boards.

However, true clan competitive play basing it on completing the mission, has nothing to do with K/D and general stat leader boards. A clan can be the top by having the best team work and winning the most matches, or actually have the best reputation.

Essentially, they create a clan system in which a reputation system in place. Defeating higher reputable clans earns you greater reputation than beating lower reputable clans. This is how the ranking system would show. Just implementing this feature in as a start would be better than simply clan tags. If they plan to implement clan tags, but no features to support it, then they are merely opening up to people hating the idea of clans even more as the developers have made it useless and pointless. They need to take a moment and think to increase their sales through longevity, and not be just another temporary FPS game. Develop something that people feel they have a stake in and want to continue playing.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:26 am

custom maps add more to replayability than any clan style support, mods can add even more

just look at Splash Damage's first game Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory. still going strong after 7 years

Pet peeve. SD didn't build the fundamentals of mp RTCW. ET was a modification of an already awesome WW2/TF type experience that was developed by Nerve.
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:45 pm


I understand what you are saying and I agree with the Clan Support, but I know many competitive clans that are on top of the leader boards and have a "good rep" in ways of skill and being a bad ass clan, but it doesn't mean they really have good reputation in the ways of actually treating people online and the way the gaming community looks at them which many competitive clans really don't care out...it is all winning and being the best. Many of these clans actually base everything on skill and K/D and nothing else and that is ok if your are part of hardcoe competitve clan and if that is goal of the clan to win. But, there are two kinds of "rep" the one I assume your are refering to as longevity and skill versus the one I am thinking about which actually is clan "rep" based on what people think about the clan. I personally know many people who belong to many competitve clans who have "rep" based on skill and longevity, but really hate being in the clan because the clan has poor reputation of being a bad clan in the eyes of the gaming community....which there are many!

Just to clarify I refering only to competitive gaming clans not clans in general and there are some really good clans out there you just have to see which ones works the best for you. So this isn't an attack on you Aqualis. I just want to point out to people who are not in a clan or want to be in a clan is that skill/leader board rep and having actually rep are two different things, and join clan based leader board stats should not be main reason to join a clan, unless of course leader board stats are the final factor.

What would be cool is if the Clan Support could include a "Rep" system for members/players to vote/rate and commet about the clan. This would be nice function to as well to help give people overall rep of the clan as whole not based on just leader board and longevity stats. However, like anything else the "Rep" would have to not be taken to serisouly because of manipulation of the rep number by members ranking the clan high and disgruntle members ranking the clan low. .
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:58 pm

I look at clans...

and wonder what's the point?

and spare me your explanations... its a rhetoric. I've been in more clans then I care to count
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:38 am


Based on our reply it sounds like you have had some bad experiences being in clans before which is very typical of the clan experience for the most part.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:22 pm

See, I don't see a need for a CLAN for that... that's just a friends list. And I have one of those already..... and people don't need to "join my clan" to get on it, or follow any rules, or... anything really.... and if someone pisses me off, there is no "clan drama" about it... we just take each other of the FL... done.

and I'm not "obliged" to anything either. no meetings, no required games (required and fun don't tend to go together :| )

Forums have provided me with scheduled private games when I've wanted them, so I haven't even needed a clan for that.

the few clan matches I had in BC1 were actually pretty bad.

Honestly, I tend to have more fun with casual randoms then stuck up, pent up, angry clan members, who think the outcome of the game is life and death.

I ALWAYS play to win... well, sometimes I goof off, but w/e... 95% of the time I'm pulling my own weight plus 2-3 randies.

I dunno, I used to be be neck deep, and now that I'm out of it all, I wonder why I ever bothered.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:22 pm

What is funny is everything you mentioned like "stuck up, pent up, angry clan members, who think the outcome of the game is life and death." we are the complete opposite and yet we are clan. We are not angry and we not stuck up and if we win or lose we don't care because the game out come isn't life and death for us. I agree most clans think like that and there is alwasy the drama of it all (which is any organization, school or job for that matter), but me I just don't care and like you said if things don't work out you just remove the member from your friends lists...done!
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:50 pm

As I also said though... you are describing a group of friends.

I just don't get the labeling of a clan, tagging, etc.

The extra stuff on top of it, leaderboards, clan tournaments, etc, is what defines clans to me.... which I should also mention is probably the thing that annoys me the most.

w/o clan battles etc, I see absolutely no point in being in a clan... at that point you are a group of friends, and labeling yourself as a clan is akin to claiming red, or north side etc... or joining the chess club maybe... I dunno, it's an identification thing I don't get.

For full on clans... I just don't like anything about it TBH. waaaaay to much ego in all that garbage... which is funny IMO, cause people think that being better at video games makes them better... I'd actually argue the opposite (which TBH doesn't speak well for myself LOL)
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:27 pm


I understand what you are saying and I agree with the Clan Support, but I know many competitive clans that are on top of the leader boards and have a "good rep" in ways of skill and being a bad ass clan, but it doesn't mean they really have good reputation in the ways of actually treating people online and the way the gaming community looks at them which many competitive clans really don't care out...it is all winning and being the best. Many of these clans actually base everything on skill and K/D and nothing else and that is ok if your are part of hardcoe competitve clan and if that is goal of the clan to win. But, there are two kinds of "rep" the one I assume your are refering to as longevity and skill versus the one I am thinking about which actually is clan "rep" based on what people think about the clan. I personally know many people who belong to many competitve clans who have "rep" based on skill and longevity, but really hate being in the clan because the clan has poor reputation of being a bad clan in the eyes of the gaming community....which there are many!

Just to clarify I refering only to competitive gaming clans not clans in general and there are some really good clans out there you just have to see which ones works the best for you. So this isn't an attack on you Aqualis. I just want to point out to people who are not in a clan or want to be in a clan is that skill/leader board rep and having actually rep are two different things, and join clan based leader board stats should not be main reason to join a clan, unless of course leader board stats are the final factor.

What would be cool is if the Clan Support could include a "Rep" system for members/players to vote/rate and commet about the clan. This would be nice function to as well to help give people overall rep of the clan as whole not based on just leader board and longevity stats. However, like anything else the "Rep" would have to not be taken to serisouly because of manipulation of the rep number by members ranking the clan high and disgruntle members ranking the clan low. .

I disagree with your idea of incorporating a rating system for people to rate your clan because there are always going to be haters out there and poor sports that give you a bad rating because they lost to you or just dont like the fact that your are better. I like Aqualis idea of a clan support in which reputation and rating is based of of who you beat. Winning against clans with a higher reputation will bring yours up more while playing clans with a lower reputation wont bring your up as much. Also like I stated in another post clan leaderboards and individual leaderboards are completely different. Typicaly in individual ones shows k/d ect where in clan leaderboards is shows your clans win/loss, ranking ect so you wouldnt have to worry about people trying to stat pad there k/d and all that not to mention in clans that usually isnt an issue because everyone is there working together for one reason to win if they die a bunch but win thats all that matters.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:06 pm

Often when I run into groups of clan members they are acting like a stack of [censored] bags... so yah... I'd like to have a public rating system for them then.

Maybe clans would be more apt to behave in random games if it affected their rating.

At the same time, these same [censored] bags are the same kinda of morons who PRIDE themselves on amount of hate mail received, and how many "avoids" they get... so maybe not...

There would be clans probably actively pursuing as many negative ratings as they could get
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:35 pm

Often when I run into groups of clan members they are acting like a stack of [censored] bags... so yah... I'd like to have a public rating system for them then.

Maybe clans would be more apt to behave in random games if it affected their rating.

At the same time, these same [censored] bags are the same kinda of morons who PRIDE themselves on amount of hate mail received, and how many "avoids" they get... so maybe not...

There would be clans probably actively pursuing as many negative ratings as they could get

Just because your expierences with clans has been like that doesnt mean they are all like that. Not to mention that has nothing to do with clans its the people in them and there personalities. People generally tend to group up and add people to there friends list with the same mentality and personality as them so it has nothing to do with clans its the players in them. Ex. you seem quick to judge and bash clans an support for them with no valid reason should I generalize all non clan people and randoms as people that run there mouths and act so rash? No because thats not the case at all there are immature people anywhere wether it be in clans, randoms or out in real life. You shouldnt be so quick to judge and be so hypocritical of things. :wink_smile:
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:46 am


While I understand your feeling in regards to the [censored] clans. As has been said, they are not all like that. Some clans demand that their members be respectful in game and on the forums. My gaming community for one does not like negative images so we kick those members who are behaving in an ill manner without second thought. So as has been said, though you may have had bad experiences, and their are plenty of clans out there that are just plain horrible reputation wise, it does not mean all clans are.

Furthermore, the clans member attitudes has nothing to do with the game itself. Without or without the clan systems, you will have hundreds of stuck up players. Those in a clan and those without a clan, all the [censored]s will still exist. However, if they are not part of a clan, then you have just never had any way to specifically identify them. With this in mind, introducing clan mechanics into the game can in no way hurt it. The bad attitude players will still be there either way. So why not increase the games longevity and player pool so that their is a higher likely chance of running into better less conceited people.


As for the ranking system of a clans reputation (attitude), this would be "ok" in the game, but it would be too easily abused. It will be plastered over the forums as it is anyway, so it is a feature that is not truly needed. However, if it were implemented, you could add features to it that helps to prevent abuse of the system. Such features would include that no clan members may rate their clan. Ratings are on a weighted scale based on that persons individual rating. This would help some, but in the long run, most people will not care to take the time and rate anyone or any clan based on their behavior.
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Del Arte
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:32 pm

I understand not all clans are pricks... (but face it, most pricks DO join those types of clans)

My other point is still valid... I don't see BENEFIT to having clans

I don't see how clans extend a games life span. IMO, games get better when most clans move on to the "next big game".
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Jack Moves
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:26 pm

Agree with all of you in what you are saying. I also remove members from my clan if they are being disrespectful to members or gamers in general or if they want to hack/cheat or just be all round [censored]. It comes down to recruiting the right people to make your clan fun and exciting and postive for other members. If you have positive leadership with goals and direction the clan will be a positive one.
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