See, I don't see a need for a CLAN for that... that's just a friends list. And I have one of those already..... and people don't need to "join my clan" to get on it, or follow any rules, or... anything really.... and if someone pisses me off, there is no "clan drama" about it... we just take each other of the FL... done.
and I'm not "obliged" to anything either. no meetings, no required games (required and fun don't tend to go together

Forums have provided me with scheduled private games when I've wanted them, so I haven't even needed a clan for that.
the few clan matches I had in BC1 were actually pretty bad.
Honestly, I tend to have more fun with casual randoms then stuck up, pent up, angry clan members, who think the outcome of the game is life and death.
I ALWAYS play to win... well, sometimes I goof off, but w/e... 95% of the time I'm pulling my own weight plus 2-3 randies.
I dunno, I used to be be neck deep, and now that I'm out of it all, I wonder why I ever bothered.