Brink is just Brink - everything is contained in the same thing and every mode is the same type of gameplay. It isn't like you play the campaign, and then you go online and it's totally new and you have to relearn how to play - it's all the same.
I seriously doubt you have read everything I have.
Theremay not be an option on the main menu for it but you have to go to a menu on start oor somthing to switch over to mp with other people which equals separate things. Also going online would make it a totally new experience because your not playing bots what have set habbits you dont kow what someone will do so it is a different experience. Anyways i'm not going to continue bickering with you about petty things since you think your mr know it all and no one can have read everythign you have or had as much experience in gaming as you :rolleyes: