i am saying that good intentions pave the road to hell. thats no smoking gun for my point. just stating the obvious that they were playing with fire.
no.. the idea is that learning from past mstakes as to not repeat them is salvation. ignoring the past and repeating it is where the guilt comes from.
they were funding the research for said technology. if am am to know that this tech was on the horizon it is only because it was occouring, and was somethign the government and MID would have known about.
yes yes. if adam and eve hadnt bitten the apple we would all be in shangril la..
the point is, you have people in the military who look at these things. calculate the risks. there is no way they just willy nilly decided to take the oil field. it would have been looked at strategically. and one of those contigencies would have shown that china, who had nukes would see it as an attempt to exterminate them.
what they did was the equivalent of a chess move that put themselves, the entire world into check.
it would have been much less rash to monitor chinese activity and use a good defense as a great offense. its poor planning at the least and should have been a lesson learned by the post war enclave. all those lives lost. how would any "decent" group not feel shame- loss for what had happened and try to do better than their predecessors?
so... the pacific ocean to as far east as new reno you say? how is that taking stock of whats left of the world before deciding to kill all humanoids on the entire planet? a this point, there is no reason to think that any human survivors on other continents were enemies.
its the same kind of thinking that led to the great war. they are repeating the past by throwing the baby out with the bathwater, over what could be a somewhat local threat. isolated on an oil rig they were in no real or immediate danger from anyone. but they dint take the time to see if other means could work.. same as pre war
complete disreagard for all other life but their own. how is that not a bad thing?