What is this immershun (spelling?) I never heard of this strange phenomenom before.. Its very new to me, someone explain what it is/means, please?
It means to be tricked into thinking that you're not playing a game, but are actually a real person in a real world, with real reality-type things really happening in real time and being all real an stuff.
Wait, that's not really possible is it...?
In all seriousness, I just think people are using the wrong descriptor. "Immersion" gets thrown around for every little thing that bothers people, from an NPC dropping what they're doing to talk to you, to the short draw distances the OP mentions, to not being able to block while using two one-handed weapons because it's not "realistic" and doesn't make any logical sense to them. Personally I think a good chunk of these "immersion breakers" are just an individual's pet peevs (that may indeed by shared by many individuals) that are more rooted in taste, opinion, and perspective than those that have these issues seem to want to admit.
Most of the "immersion breakers" people have complained about (so far the main one's being forced 3rd person finishers and horse riding, and rain through outdoor structures) would throw me off the first couple of times I noticed them, but afterwards would cease to matter. So what breaks one's "immersion" is highly subjective, and depends on the individual, and I think there are a lot of instances where there is a better word/phrase for issues like the OP has than "immersion breakin". Just "annoying" or "distracting" might do, but it's hard for me to believe that you can ever really be so immersed in a game that something like this is so jarring as to ruin your experience. It's a game. The only things I've ever been "immersed" in are my wife's eyes and my sons arms.