In the game the player can achieve the following Imperial ranks:
1. Auxiliary
2. Quaestor
3. Praefect
4. Tribune
5. Legate
After signing up you become an "auxiliary" (a.k.a. auxilia), which was kind of a civilian reinforcement of the regular Legion troops (not a fully fledged legionary), made up of non-citizens of Rome, which makes being given the title, along with Legion armour in the game kinda, dubious? "Quaester" (financial supervisor) was a civilian title. Only the ranks of praefect (a.k.a. Praefectus castrorum), tribune and legate were military ranks.
In the context of the game, wouldn't it have been more accurate to give you the following ranks to make it more accurate?
1. Aquilifer (i.e. corporal)
2. Optio (i.e. Sgt. Major)
3. Centurion (i.e. lieutenant)
4. Praefect (i.e. major)
5. Tribune (i.e. colonel)
6. Legate (i.e. Brigadier General)