Technically it does, since it uses Healing over time, and not instant boosting. So you can get overwhelmed unlike FO3, and non-hardcoe games of NV.
So do Sunset Sasparilla's, which I use all the time. I rarely use Stimpacks in the first place. Which brings me to the point I've made before in other threads: A lot of hardcoe (not everything, but a lot) can be done if you
actually roleplay...but most people require being "forced" before they'll do it. Therefore, I'd rather have it off and play/use
discipline to get a mix of of such things in the game that I want, rather than a pre-defined concept from someone else's mind.
Companions can also be killed in HCM and crippled limbs require Hydra or Doctor's Bags.
But then you can just reload. I know some don't (roleplaying...) but the point is you can, and I bet many do.

Crippled limbs etc...see first paragraph above.