Populated Cities Towns Villages by RS

Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:34 am

For who is interested, now you may found my mod (sic!) on my friend Erkeil's site (search "Erkeil mods" on google).


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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:01 pm

Here's the link: http://erkeilmods.altervista.org/skyrim/populated-cities-towns-villages-rs-relliosavini/

It's worth mentioning that for those of us who prefer to use NMM to manage our mods, you can still use NMM to install this - download the file from the above link, then open NMM from your start menu or desktop shortcut and click "add mod from file" (the jigsaw icon at the top left of the mods tab in NMM). NMM will then install the mod as usual. Obviously it won't be able to notify you of updates, so bookmark the above link and check the link regularly for updates.

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Sammi Jones
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