» Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:28 pm
I think that the oblivion in-game population was really nothing to complain about when you consider:
Some people don't have $5000 computers, and so cannot handle such a massive game world
Bethsof actually wants their game to be affordable/profitable, and so cannot afford to invest the thousands of extra hours into creating such a population (believe me, labor is VERY expensive)
They also realize that giving the player such a MASSIVE world would be a tremendous strain on gameplay -it would actually take ALL DAY to walk ANYWHERE (by ALL DAY, I mean 24 actualy, real world hours!) And when faced with such a task, most people would not enjoy the game at all, it would be horribly boring. either that, or no one would ever want to spend any time in the wilderness as it would be such a time eater, thus making it pointless to have made such a world to begin with.
In my opinion, the game world is acceptable if you consider that it is merely a representation of reality, just to give you an idea of what things actually are like, and by giving an entire province, gives the players TONS of options for extended gameplay.
Sure, emmersion and simulated reality are neat and all that, but I can almost guarantee that if they had made the game like the emmersion-fans wish they would have, then we would not play it much at all. I say the developers were smart for doing what they did, and I will give them a big :goodjob:
Now, for a more on-topic statement:
I believe when making a guess at popultion, a good basis would be looking to our own past.
In ancient times, Rome was the biggest city in the world, the first city with 1,000,000 people. That is HUGE considering they lacked things such as towers that stack people one on top of the other. (Personally, I live way out in the country, and cannot understand the desire to stack people on top of one another, or to live in such crammed, unprivate conditions. It actually kind of freak me out!) The next time a city would accomplish this was not for 1000 years after the fall of ROME! (it was London, by the way. At least in the west, not sure about Asia.) Now, if one would continue on this ancient comparisson, the other largest cities in Tamriel would likeyl have populations in the hundreds of thousands, almost certainly below 500,000.
I would say to generate a reasonable guess on tamrieal's population, look up the popultion of Europe some time around 1500.
actually, 1350 may be a better year.
Medieval Europe was at its height poulation wise around 1350, with 70 to 100 million people, one source estimates 73.5 million
By 1500, the population had declined substantially due to plague, colder climate, and social factors (no one is absulutely sure just why it happened) to fall to a total population of around 50 million.
Perhaps 1500 does represent a closer figure, as the earlier figure represnts an overpopulated Europe, while the lower figure may be more comparable to a strife-ridden Tamriel.
Population Estimates (in millions) at specified times 500-1450
AREA -500 -650 -1000 -1340 -1450
Greece/Balkans -5 -3 -5 -6 -4.5
Italy -4 -2.5 -5 -10 -7.3
Spain/Portugal - 4 -3.5 -7 -9 -7
Total - South -13 -9 -17 - 25 -19
France/Low countries -5 -3 -6 -19 -12
British Isles -0.5 -0.5 -2 -5 -3
Germany/Scandinavia -3.5 -2 -4 -11.5 -7.3
Total - West/Central -9 -5.5 -12 -35.5 -22.5
Slavia. -5 -3 - -
---Russia - - 6 -8 -6
---Poland/Lithuania - -2 -3 -2
Hungary -0.5 -0.5 -1.5 -2 -1.5
Total -East -5.5 -3.5 -9.5 -13 -9.3
TOTAL EUROPE -27.5 -18 -38.5 -73.5 -50
If you can make sense of that chart, then please do.
So I place my bid at 50,000,000 people or less in all of Tamriel.
To put these dates into perspective for those unfamiliar with midieval history:
500~fall of Rome
650 middle of the dark ages, right before Frankish Empire and Charlamagne
1000~Viking Age, Norman conquest of England, Holy Roman Empire (Germany) birth of many modern European nations (France, England, etc.) Crusades start in a short while (first in 1095)
1340 What mosy people think of when they think of the middle ages. Height of the feudal age in France. Crusades pretty much over for 100 years. Height of medieval poulation
1500 End of the middle ages, Reformation starts in about 20 years, Rennaisance will come about in a little while. At this time, there are cannons, the printing press, even crude guns in Europe.