[Idea] Porphyric Hemophilia

Post » Sat May 19, 2012 6:41 am

As we all know, vampirism caused by sanguinare vampiris is more beneficial for stealth characters whereas the beast form power is more beneficial for warriors and mages get left with nothing. I was wondering if it were possible to add porphyric hemophilia back into the game and allow it to progress into a new type of vampirism, based off of the older versions of the disease, that is more beneficial for mages. The quest for the cure for vampirism caused by porphyric hemophilia could be tied into the cure quest for the other type of vampirism and be repeatable like the the one for sanguinare vampiris is. In order to get the disease, you would need to find a vampire infected with it and vampires infected with porphyric hemophilia should spawn closer to the borders with cyrodil, morrowind and high rock while vampires infected with sanguinare vampiris should spawn more inland in skyrim, closer to the snowier regions. However, vampires infected with porphyric hemophilia should be much rarer than those infected with sanguinare vampiris.
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Post » Fri May 18, 2012 11:15 pm

that is really good idea.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Fri May 18, 2012 9:37 pm

I love the idea there, but would expand on it and go a little different direction.

First -
Buff the Werewolves. Right now they are incredibly weak specially the further in the game you go.
Gear the buffs mostly toward Warrior.
Make it so thier buff is both in darkness and day.
Tier the werewolf disease like vampirism.
Extremely weak to Silver Weapons

Second -
Create a new disease. Wisp/Treeant/Something that screams caster
Gear the buff toward Casters
Make the buffs work primarily during the daytime
Tiered disease again.
Extremely weak toward melee in general....not quite right but only place my brain went
Create a base in one of the green areas of the world.

Third -
Rework Vampirism toward rogue a bit more (should be minor)
Leave them night only. Current system i think is good.
Give them a legit base to work from, like morrow wind.
Extremely weak arrows (wood)

Fourth -
Epic Quest Line.
3 Faction dispute, with alliances and backstabbing to get X faction to the top.
And make them exclusive...only 1 faction can be at the top.
Circle of lunch meat --- Wolves -> Vampires -> Wisp -> Wolves


These groups are splintered at first and come together at the end of a epic quest line to defeat a nest of dragons? mmmm
mmmmm suddenly i feel like doing a mod.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Fri May 18, 2012 8:47 pm

Wow awesome ideas Court and well thought !
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Sat May 19, 2012 2:40 am

I love the idea there, but would expand on it and go a little different direction.

First -
Buff the Werewolves. Right now they are incredibly weak specially the further in the game you go.
Gear the buffs mostly toward Warrior.
Make it so thier buff is both in darkness and day.
Tier the werewolf disease like vampirism.
Extremely weak to Silver Weapons

Second -
Create a new disease. Wisp/Treeant/Something that screams caster
Gear the buff toward Casters
Make the buffs work primarily during the daytime
Tiered disease again.
Extremely weak toward melee in general....not quite right but only place my brain went
Create a base in one of the green areas of the world.

Third -
Rework Vampirism toward rogue a bit more (should be minor)
Leave them night only. Current system i think is good.
Give them a legit base to work from, like morrow wind.
Extremely weak arrows (wood)

Fourth -
Epic Quest Line.
3 Faction dispute, with alliances and backstabbing to get X faction to the top.
And make them exclusive...only 1 faction can be at the top.
Circle of lunch meat --- Wolves -> Vampires -> Wisp -> Wolves


These groups are splintered at first and come together at the end of a epic quest line to defeat a nest of dragons? mmmm
mmmmm suddenly i feel like doing a mod.
Good idea but I would rather do each part as a separate esp so people could mix and match with other mods. The point of only having the original vampirism disease return and be tweaked a bit for mages is to change the vanilla game as little as possible in order to maintain absolute compatibility with other mods.

For instance, I had a different idea for werewolves. Have sanies lupinus return again and have very rare random werewolves spawn with it. These werewolves should be able to infect you. The disease should function like the one in morrowind, where you turn into a werewolf at night with no control over the transformation. Spoilers related to lycanthropy in skyrim ahead.
If you have the ring of hircine, then you gain control over the transformation but must still transform once every full moon. The point here being that the companions teach you how to control lycanthropy and without their teachings, you have no control over the transformation or the beast itself. However, if you obtain the ring of hircine, you do gain some ability to tame the beast, but not entirely. If you want to entirely tame it and never transform outside of your will, you will have to join the companions do their quests until you get to that point. This form of lycanthropy should also exist outside of the companions in order to maintain absolute compatibility. Unfortunately, this means that the only way to cure yourself is by doing the companions quest line and once you cure yourself, it should be impossible to obtain the disease again, like it is in the regular game.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Fri May 18, 2012 6:36 pm

Second -
Create a new disease. Wisp/Treeant/Something that screams caster
Gear the buff toward Casters
Make the buffs work primarily during the daytime
Tiered disease again.
Extremely weak toward melee in general....not quite right but only place my brain went
Create a base in one of the green areas of the world.
Or why not use one of the transformations already in the lore? Liches or more local Hagravens would be quite plausible options for mages.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri May 18, 2012 7:41 pm

Or why not use one of the transformations already in the lore? Liches or more local Hagravens would be quite plausible options for mages.
This was my other worry. I would absolutely not use any mod that conflicts with lore. But, on the other hand, liches and hargravens would conflict with gameplay and questing and that's why I wanted to bring back porphyric hemophilia instead. Transforming into a lich is permanent and would require a bit too much work to still be able to play the regular game believably. Why bother having a spell to take on a human form to play the main game in the first place when you have a much easier and more reliable option in the form of vampirism available. I didn't like the idea of the player turning into a lich when I heard of it and came up with this solution instead.
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Sat May 19, 2012 12:41 am

Lich would defiantly have some of those problems with how do you make it temporary. Make liches like Pirates of the Caribbean...only turn into a skelly at night =p

Heh the werewolf daytime thing i forgot about that.... I like the idea of each having a sperate time of goodness deal.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Fri May 18, 2012 9:09 pm

Lich would defiantly have some of those problems with how do you make it temporary. Make liches like Pirates of the Caribbean...only turn into a skelly at night =p

Heh the werewolf daytime thing i forgot about that.... I like the idea of each having a sperate time of goodness deal.
But neither of those fit with lore, becoming a lich is permanent and werewolves transform at night only.
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