9999 days appears to equal around 27 years.
Or to be more precise, 9999 devided by 365 equals 27.39452. Not accounting for leap-years of course.
I didn't actually do the math on it and never counted how many 9's were said, I read that estimate somewhere, I'll see if i can find it.
At any rate, it's been a very long time, and I've been hearing rumours from Valve that Chell will play an important part in that universe in the future. We know it takes place in the same world Half Life takes place in already. So depending on what time Half Life 2 takes place in, I'd say that the game ended at about the same time HL2 ended, or began. At least somewhere close to that timeframe. If we got an game like Half Life with a little more open environments rather than test chambers using the Portal gun, I would crap my pants in excitment. Imagine encountering some combine soldier and trapping him in an infinite portal loop, you can't tell me that doesn't sound like fun

Wait until you get to the lost souls room---oh wait that's not it---I ment the white gel room---that's the only room in the game that got me stumped for awhile :homestar: .
Yeah i spent longer than I'm proud of in that room

I spent a long time in rooms that were painfully obvious in hindsight, but that one wasn't really so bad, I had fun just playing around with that stuff.