Who has two thumbs and lost his 2nd match in the Mortal Kombat tournament at the GameStop during the midnight release for Mortal Kombat and Portal 2? This guy. Who has two thumbs and won a copy of Mortal Kombat in a raffle at same GameStop? Also, this guy. Oh, sweet irony.
Also, I got my Portal 2. She be installing right now

awesome, same situation here, i felt a little bad cause i was the only one at the store who came for Portal instead of Mortal Kombat.
there were 2 drawings here, one for a copy of the game, and one for a MK headband signed by Ed Boon. so yeah, i ended up taking home Portal and a free copy of MK :celebration:
Also, we didnt have a tournament but the anyone could play a 1 on 1 match against each other if they pleased. i was 4/0.