If one thinks about it, with Portal 2 there have been game play videos, tons of screens, and lots of info, also expecting it not to steer to far away from its origins one can get an accurate image of what it will be like. With its many fans (including myself) one can easily see why it is more anticipated. Now even as a fan, you don't see me on its forum everyday checking for any update on info either. Honestly it is more anticipated because people know what to expect. When that poll was done, no one even knew anything about Skyrim other then there will be dragons in it. Seriously every ES gets so far away from its predecessor that no one knows what it will be like when it is done and all wrapped up and ready to go.
Am I completely ecstatic for Skyrim, yes. But I also want Portal 2. So do a hundred thousand+ other people. With the big info dump and if the poll spanned across more websites because most gamers don't congregate around only one site you would see more accurate results. But in all honesty, there is too much diversity in site usage to get an accurate depiction of what is the most anticipated game. Another thing is if you put a poll on a site dedicated to something comparing it to something else, the dedication would defiantly show through

so the results seem a bit biased and wouldn't be accepted anywhere else but here. Anyways, I always vote for Skyrim when I see an anticipated game poll.