Possable announcments at e3?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:24 pm

Helloooo everybody,

I've never watched e3 before so I'm not sure if they tell you BEFORE what's going to be announed or if its a surprise :) And i''v been wondering what the fans are thinking about tesV being announced 2010 at e3
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:13 am

We have an http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1097723-official-tes-v-speculation-thread-37/ for TES V speculation, so let's continue this over there.

As far as I know Bethesda has never announced a new game at E3, they seem to prefer lengthy magazine previews instead. TES IV Oblivion and Fallout 3 were both unveiled with large previews in Game Informer and New Vegas was also unveiled with magazine previews (although a number of them at once). I'd have to guess that with so many games in production now Bethesda will let them get their due at E3 rather than announcing a new Bethesda title and overshadowing the games they're publishing.

E3 is the big publishing convention in the US (with the GDC being the developer equivalent) so it does make sense for Bethesda to let Brink, New Vegas, and Hunted take center state - perhaps RAGE as well, although I'd assume the upcoming QuakeCon will be the big event for it and not E3.
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