Possible to add a better Favorites menu at this point?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:24 am

I love the Favorites menu (on 360), however, I have a lot of favorites, and it can get pretty cluttered.

That being said, since day one I've been wondering why Beth didn't implement some sort of directional organizational structure to it. It would be much easier to navigate and find what you want in the favorites menu by implementing something a bit like a "mini-menu," if you will, where each direction on the d-pad would allow you to access a different group of favorites. Something like this, perhaps:

Spells << >> Weapons

Is it too late for something like this to happen or do you think it could be patched in, should Bethesda decide to adopt it?

Or would this make the Favorites menu redundant when we already have a normal menu that we can just as easily go into?
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