It's possible to become "addicted" to almost any activity, including video games.
sadly no not in the vanilla game anyway
Welcome to the Skyrim Addicts Anonymous. My name is Jupiter and I have been shooting up Skyrim for almost 3 years now. Some times when I get depressed or get these weird shakes, I just can't stand it anymore, so I grab Skyrim off the shelf and start playing it. Yes......we're all shooting up Skyrim into our tiny little veins.
hmmm I don't know is it an addiction when you don't want to get away from something that you seriously like? 3 years on 360, with small breaks for Oblivion and RDR, I guess maybe I am a Skyrim Addict.
It would be more accurate to say that I am addicted to Bethesda in general, since I rarely play any other games. Atleast Elite: Dangerous is happening soon, which may break the spell for a short while...But then their next game is going to happen eventually.
I don't think so. There are so many natural stopping points like before you enter a dungeon or after you come out, or when you sleep and so on. Now Civilization where you are constantly dealing with crises and racing to get wonders or the best locations for founding cities or fighting off attacks is much harder to quit. My record there was 32 hours straight. Now Elderscroll games while enjoyable don't take you over that way. You can play for an hour or two then walk away.
Yes. Just like any other escapist activity, Skyrim can feel better than real life so some people might get addicted to that feeling.
I don't know about "addiction", but people can become obsessed with pretty much anything.
Who are you calling obsessed? I'm not obsessed. You're the one who's obsessed! I can quit any time I want! I just don't want to right now.
Now if you'll excuse me, my nine foot dragonborn statue for the front yard just arrived. It'll go nicely with
you can literally become addicted to ANYTHING, why would you think a video game would be an exception?
I was addicted to the vanilla game.
I'm still addicted to the game, but now I have mods.
no lie ive been playing alot more often this past 2 weeks i still get out and go to work and hang out with friends but when they want to be on some not POP Hold It Down Status i kinda just head over to my XBOX and play some Skyrim GT: ChaoticEmbryo
I wish i could have found out how many days (month?) i had logged into skyrim. It was by far the most time spent in any single game for me.. This is the console version too so thats pretty impressive. I kept making new characters untill i did everything i could think of.
Sadly i couldn't play the game anymore since they stopped making new content for me to mess with.
The question is; Is it possible not to be addicted to Skyrim!
Steam does track each Steam Title played by Hours when Steam is on Online Mode.
I have a little over 6000 Hours in Skyrim according to Steam. I usually have a Laptop in Ofline Mode when on Vacation or travelling, and at Lunch and Breaktimes at Work.
I can say I am not addicted to Skyrim, I do visit DC and the Mojave occasionally, I even spent the Summer in Arcanum
i meant to say that i played it on console, but thats nice
They should be more worried about those alchemy supplies he's keeping in the break room refrigerator. Especially the human heart. Although the spider eggs are a little creepy as well.