I'm creating a character at the moment for a DnD 3.5 campaign that's a cross class barbarian 1 bard 6 (that I lovingly called the bardbarian) and I'm in search of a backstory for him. Any ideas for where I might start? Thanks!
I just like looking through whatever appliable lore I have and find stuff that makes me go 'ooh, that's cool'. If you have a background that's grounded in lore you can really belong to the world.
And as the above post, you'll also need to decided why he became a barbarian and a bard. It's a weird combination, so it could give you the chance to come up with an interesting backstory.
Heh, I played an half-orc Bardbarian one time. I think I put all his points into Charisma and Strength, so he was an incredibly dumb yet likeable orc. Perhaps culturally where he or she is from it is not acceptable to be exclusively a bard, so they trained in combat skills as well?