TUTORIAL: As many already know, new traits were released with the Fallout: New Vegas DLC, Old World Blues. When starting a new character, I noticed a potential trait, "Skilled." For those of you who don't know, Skilled gives you 5+ points to every skill, but reduces the experience you earn by 10%. With this trait and the Good Natured trait, you gain 10+ points to Barter, Speech, Medicine, Science, and the Repair skills. However, you lose those 5+ points to the Unarmed, Melee Weapons, Guns, Energy Weapons, and Explosives due to the Good Natured trait. If you choose Skilled, you don't technically lose any points from the weapons skill originally. As this is only the first step, there will obviously be more steps involved. The downside to the second step is that you need an Intelligence of 10, which could svck for some players and may be beneficial to others. The second step is relatively easy as with the third step. The third step is that you must take Educated right away, do not hold off on this perk! From this point, you should be set to go if my math was correct. If you want to, you could also buy implants later on to increase the skills by 2+ points.
MATH: First off, let me say that I estimated through most of the build. Every ten levels, if you did the tutorial correctly, should end up earning you around 300+ points worth of skill points. With all DLC's, you will end up having a 50 level cap, and if you do the math, you get 300+ points each ten levels. So, 300x5 is obviously 1,500, which means that you should be able to get all skills at 100 before you even hit level 45, IF my math is correct. (So far, you only get this result IF you do what the tutorial says.) I personally found this to be a great build for me because I always liked being a perfectionist in games.
READ: I'm sorry if this has already been thought of and I'm accidentally stealing this from someone. I honestly noticed this on my own and wouldn't mean to steal this thought in any way. Thanks for understanding, and please comment if you have questions or want to correct me on something.

P.S.: Sorry about this, but I forgot to mention - 1,500 points is well over the skill points you need to get all skills at 100 since there are only 13 skills.