I was wondering if its possible to change how buying/selling works with merchants beyond just the price?
Specifically, it'd be great if there a was a way to make it so bartering wasn't so much "Here, take my stockpile of swords and armors you'll realistically never sell so I can be rich and you can be poor" and something that makes a bit more sense.
It was always silly to me that merchants will take whatever you have and pretty much never refuse, but at the same time mods that simply make everything have no value aren't ideal because there are items that logically WOULD sell for a lot and be in demand to buy from you.
Such as, wouldn't it be nice if generic weapons/armors/potions you've taken from enemies are never sell-able unless you have a high skill or perk point that lets you sell them for very low cash? Selling such items would basically have the vendor go "I can't possibly resell that, take your junk elsewhere!"
Ideally, here's how the perfect merchant system would work in Skyrim:
- Items you find "used" from dead bodies or on the ground generally are not sellable unless they are special in some way. Such as, steel/iron swords found laying around or on bodies will pretty much always have the merchant refuse to buy it from you. The Lunar Steel Sword however, despite being not worth a lot, is something rarer and unique so they would want to buy that.
- Rare or high value items that you find however, are something merchants will want to buy. Such as Ebony/Daedric/Artifiact weapons and armors.
- If a merchant already has that item or has a certain amount of said item, they won't want to buy it from you even if they normally would. I.E. if they already have 2-3 daedric swords, they really don't want another from you.
- Items you craft are in-demand (since they aren't used) but there are buy limits (see above) and certain merchants will refuse to buy from you unless you have a certain skill. I.E. Riverwood Blacksmith will gladly take weapons you craft at 20 or so Smithing skill at a cheap price, but selling your own weapons to the Skyforge will require you to have a high smithing skill to accept your work. If NPC's actually have a reasonable smithing skill, maybe it would have to at least match or exceed their skill for them to want to take your smithing/potion/magic work? I.E. if the skyforge blacksmith has 100 skill you need to have at least 100 skill to sell your own crafted weapons and armors to him.
- Perks and skills in speechcraft could affect or alter this stuff. I.E. a master level perk that means you can sell junk/used items (at very low value)
Is any of this possible at all?
I'd just love to be able to go into a dungeon or a fight without feeling the need to steal everything from everyone (I just take what I can use right there) because of the fact that I no longer (realistically) can't just sell everything I find. Nevermind the fact that I can carry 200 swords at once but thats a different story
It would also make money MUCH more valuble since its no longer something any mindless player can just get infinite amounts of because they can't sell an entire stockpile of random stuff merchants would realistically never want or be able to sell themselves even if they had the money to afford it.