Where does it say that? Here:
{148}{}{Beats me. I was a Navarro tech, not a rig operator. We talked to them over the comm lines, and that was about the extent of it.}
He worked at Navarro but that doesn't mean he has never been to the Oil Rig, it's just that as:
He didn't know much about what was going on, niether did the Comm Officer on the ENCLAVE:
{150}{powr9_a}{Yeah, that's a new one. Since my video's working you can see I'm rolling on the floor here. It does seem like everything's a damn secret though, huh?. All the special ops on the mainland. I don't see how anything gets done.}
Navarro is a camp according to Sergeant Dornan and aparrently outposts don't take long to set-up:
{175}{}{Oh, just establishing an outpost wouldn't take long. We've all ready done that at Navarro. But it has taken a long time to work out the proper method for the eradication procedure.}
Unless you are suggesting that Navarro is entirely self-contained and operates very little with the ENCLAVE then Meyer's came from the Oil Rig.