» Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:11 pm
But not going to only certain places. I'm going to use Oblivion for example in this post, so not to confuse everyone. (We don't know what the map of Skyrim and its cities look like..Well at least I don't.)
Morrowind's Travel Sytstem: Four options to travel from here, (City of Cyrodiil) Anvil, Bruma, Cheydenhal, or Leyawiin. 500 gold a piece.
New Travel System that i mentioned: Opens map, you click on a location you want to go, it calculates distance with cost, you get a total price asking if your sure you want to go, you go.
No limitations as that a horse can only travel on flat land and not a hill, because that makes a ton of sense. (Que the Sarcasm)
But yes, morrowind type as in you can't just click on the map and go, but you have to find a travel station. And NOT like morrowind as in that theres no limitations on to where you can go, besides if the location is discovered or not.