» Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:02 pm
If you go into the Tone/Skin menu, there are two skin tint sliders-- one labeled "orange/blue" and one labeled "purple/yellow". If you slide either of those all the way over to the right (to either blue or yellow), then slide the other one all the way to the right, then the first one, then the second one, and keep repeating that, you can manage to push the overall tone more toward blue/yellow (and thus, of a sort, green) and away from red. I've never managed to make the red base tone into a true green, but I can shift it toward a dark bluish tint, and at least eliminate almost all of the red.
Note that when you move a slider, the game moves other sliders on its own. One of the results of that is that, as you push the tint more toward blue and yellow, the dark/light slider will move toward light, creating a painfully glowing skin tone. Just stick with it until you get a tint close to what you want, then move the dark/light slider back to dark. The game will then move both of the tint sliders back a ways, so you might have to work at them again for a bit, but if you keep at it, it will work pretty well.
You also might need to adjust some of the other sliders-- blush in particular-- which will again cause the game to move other sliders, but so long as you keep coming back to those two tint sliders and keep pushing them toward blue and yellow and away from red and purple, you'll at least get something other than red.