I'm having a little difficulty understanding how I should proceed. Maybe you can help. I have one single installation of oblivion with my saves. I have my brothers saves saved on my desktop.
This is what I intend to do:
1 - Create a clone.
2 - Switch to new clone (will my saves be saved/moved out of the way in this step automatically?)
3 - Move my brothers saves to documents\my games
4 - My brother plays his own installation.
Then after, when I switch back and forth between these clones, the saves will always switch and I don't need to backup/restore them manually?
I want to make sure I understand it right before I do it.
As of right now, you and your brother's saves are both in the same installation of Oblivion, right? So when you make a clone, it will make a clone of all of those saves as well. You could then just delete your saves from your brother's Oblivion and delete his from yours (maybe make a backup of them just incase, though I don't think it will be a problem.) I don't think you'll need to move any saves at all, unless I'm not understanding you. But yes, when you switch between installations, the saves will also switch automatically.