Possible idea on how to "fix" Smithing

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:52 pm

Sure, definitely. But while they're at it, why not adjust these exploit issues as well? I'm seeing more complaints about smithing and enchanting than about bugs, so I wouldn't think this issue is unimportant.

For the state of this topic and the violent debate, seems very important to the player as you point.
But not a issue who make the game unplayable or make CTDS happen.

I didn't see they fixing this if they even get time to (i.e. make the ugliest ever foot texture any better than this water-mutant like feet).

Anyway, both ways will work, and still people can play without exploit it.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:44 pm

I still say make lower level items give less xp the higher your skill is in smithing. At lvl 50 an iron dagger gives 0 xp but elven gilded armor gives the regular amount. at lvl 95 smithing elven armor gives next to nothing, only daedric and glass give the regular amount of xp, and so on.

Im not neccessarily saying they should patch ^^this^^ but if it were a mod, id dl and play it.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:31 pm

You know how smiting can be fixed the easiest way possible?

Add lvl requirements to craft armor for example min lvl 30 to craft ebony min lvl 35 to craft daedric and so on, that is the most effective way.

It's not the most effective, and is an incredibly boring way.

The better way would simply be to reduce armour/weapon effectiveness disproportionately when your skill is below a requisite, as is done in Fallout:NV. You can still use the weapons etc, but you'll be slower and less effective, maybe do less damage and take more damage than you would if you were simply using something of your skill level.

It makes sense from a reasoned perspective also. Moving adequately for combat in heavy armour is a skill, it stands to reason that somebody using heavy armour without sufficient skill would move less efficiently and therefore take more hits, and therefore more damage. Also, stamina should drain VERY fast if you're below the skill level.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:34 am

Came into this thread thinking I was going to rage at the OP, but I think that limiting the stuff people sell is an great idea.
Not only would it stop 'iron dagger' spamming, but it would mean it's worth going out and looking for places to mine.

Good call, OP :celebrate:

Since I'm on console it'd be nice to see beth take this idea into account.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:42 pm

Holy Hyperbole, Batman!?

That's a pile of crap. I'm a packrat who grabs everything he can find. I did not have remotely 200 iron ore from messing around Riverwood.

I explore. Alot. And I've always been a fan of mining (even named my WoW guild after mining.... my main character's been a miner since the original release).

I'm 60 hours in. Using materials I've found in the world, my Smithing just hit 70. At level character level 35. (Probably could have gotten there a couple levels earlier, but I tend to smith in fits and starts... I'll keep dumping the materials I find in a chest in Breezehome, and then I'll use a pile of it every so often).

You do not just "mess around" and suddenly find yourself maxed out in Smithing. And especially not as "regular joe gamer", who doesn't have the whole MMO/Crafting "grind" technique burned into his brain.

The truly "easy" fix to gaining Smithing too fast is NOT TO POWERLEVEL IT.

(A mod that reduced the amount of skill you got off lower-level materials might be an interesting twist. But you'd have to seriously jack up the amount of higher level materials - there isn't nearly enough moonstone/malachite/quicksilver/etc to skill you up to high levels if Iron, Steel, and Leather become effectively useless as your Smithing increases. Yeah, I've gone through hundreds of Iron in getting to 70 Smithing. Had a decent amount of Gold and Silver, too. But everything else (except Dwarven)? Token amounts. A few dozen at best. Having to level out 50-100 on Malachite and Moonstone would be impossible without buying it in bulk from the vendors. Which is what, in theory, people in this thread are trying to limit.)

I agree with all of that. Have an :spotted owl: ?
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:44 am

You chose to power level, good for you.

Point is... Now what?
I already have 100 on my Warrior...
Do you want them take it away?
What do you want to do here?
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:39 pm

In my opinion this is what needs to happen:

1) All Enchants and Smithing improvements reduced by 50-90%.
2) Fortify Smithing/Enchanting/etc potions need to be reduced by 50-90%. May not be needed with change #1.
3) Smithing takes 2 times more combines to max, bringing it more on par with leveling enchanting/alchemy.
4) You can level Smithing and Enchanting up to 50 by making/enchanting anything.
5) 51-100 requires making Steel or higher items and using higher quality soul gems.
6) You should be able to overwrite enchants with better enchants. I found myself never enchanting my gear because I always knew better enchants were around the corner when I leveled up enchanting more.

This fixes many issues. Having 2000 gold and going into whiterun should not be a enough to max out smithing and craft dragon armor at level 15. This is what I did, and I didn't even follow a guide online. It was all common sense to me.. all NPCs has tons of iron, and iron daggers were incredibly easy to make. It has nothing to do with powerleveling, it was easily accessible to me and I did it without even considering the harm it could cause.

I have no doubt in my mind that a mod will do most of the above after the tools are released.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:48 am

I installed the game and played for a few hours, never googled anything, started finding ore and buying some ingots, made what I wanted to use there and then - and never even considered making iron daggers!

After a few more hours of gameplay, I went back to craft some newer things using the materials I had built up since the last time. At about this stage I noticed that smithing lvled pretty fast, but it never crossed my mind that it'd be a good idea to repeatedly craft iron daggers to rush my progression (because it obviously wouldn't be a good idea).

I think my example is a more reasonable account of how most people will play.

This is pretty much exactly my first experience with smithing (before i knew anything about it).

I don't see how anyone leveling up smithing will not notice that they can abuse Iron all the way up to 100. If you don't realize you're power leveling using Iron and that maybe it isn't a good idea, then I don't know what to say.

..I mean when all your other skills are in the 30s-40s, and your smithing is reaching 75, how could you not say to yourself "Maybe I should slow down a bit here"?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:53 pm

To be fair, I can become a master wizard who can smite people into Oblivion simply by practicing default spells somewhere.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:05 am

The system isn't broken, your approach is. It's a single player game. Play how you want.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:12 am

To be fair, I can become a master wizard who can smite people into Oblivion simply by practicing default spells somewhere.

Or you can almost fly by jumping nonstop. That system didn't make much sense.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:07 am

Youre all making it too complicated. Its not the daedric weapons/armor itself, its not the ease of leveling smithing or anything else. Its the stupidly high fortify smithing coefficient from enchants and pots. For example before upgrading my daedric swords they had something around 90dmg (i dont remember exactly) after upgrading they have over 250 (i didnt even use the best blacksmiths potion, just some weak 20% i think, same with enchants). I imagine that if you get the best potion and best enchants you can easily go over 300dmg. So the fortify smithing coefficient while doing upgrades is like 200% or something. Just nerf it to the ground (enchants and pots) and make it 20-30% at best. Maybe nerf the basic upgrade too (i have no idea how high is it so i say "maybe") . Problem fixed.

Also the "just dont abuse it" argument is really dumb. For example i didnt know that its considerd op before i staretd playing (hard to know if youre playing since day 1). I picked my usual rpg character: heavy armor, sword using berserker. Crafting materials started stockpiling and it was pretty natural to level proffesions, at 24lvl i had over 80 smithing and enchanting, without any sort of powerleveling. Im pretty sure that many ppl did it too without knowing. And what am i supposed to to now? Use some un-upgraded dwarven swords? Thats just funny.

More people need to see this post.

In my opinion this is what needs to happen:

1) All Enchants and Smithing improvements reduced by 50-90%.
2) Fortify Smithing/Enchanting/etc potions need to be reduced by 50-90%. May not be needed with change #1.

And this.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:20 am

A minority of Skyrim owners griping doesn't make it important. Remember, the people on this forum aren't the majority of the gamers playing it.

Are we to assume that nobody outside the forums (these and other forums in the net) is having problems with it despite quite a lot of complaints being made?

Regardless, I'd rather they fix it than not.

For the state of this topic and the violent debate, seems very important to the player as you point.
But not a issue who make the game unplayable or make CTDS happen.

I didn't see they fixing this if they even get time to (i.e. make the ugliest ever foot texture any better than this water-mutant like feet).

Anyway, both ways will work, and still people can play without exploit it.
"Isn't because a wallet was forgotten in the table in your front you have to steal it.".

It certainly shouldn't prioritize over stability and bug issues, but I don't see why they specifically "should not" fix it as you and some others seem to suggest (correct me if I'm wrong).
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:26 pm

Dude, when I post on forums, it's serious business. I wouldn't make a post about Joe Gamer without doing extensive research to model and simulate all the interrelated events. Joe would get angry. You don't want to see Joe angry.

And I completely respect the fact that you had the foresight to attempt to back up your point with evidence, but unfortunately your 'evidence' put you way out of the running for understanding the mindset of an average gamer.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:03 pm

Holy Hyperbole, Batman!?


The problem with the system is that it's just way too easy to hit high levels of Smithing before you realize that you're killing a ton of game content.

You want to know why there are so many "I'M BORED WITH SKYRIM" threads on the forum? This exact reason.

Some players like myself caught on pretty quick and I set up specific rules to avoid "PLAYING TOO SMART", and I rerolled my character.

A lot of players aren't as smart as me. They're smart enough to take easy advantage when it's offered up to them on a silver platter (or more specifically, by any smith/general vendor in the game), but they don't realize the impacts that it will have on their game -- killing the value of most dungeon loot real damn fast, and accelerating the player level to skip past lower levels of content.

So, they have high end gear and guess what ... they've completed like 15-20% of the game. But the game is "done" for them on the entire gear side of the equation because they've seen it all or have it all. Players that can glue themselves to the story/RP more can still cruise for a bit, but many players start scratching their chin at how boring the game becomes.

And I completely respect the fact that you had the foresight to attempt to back up your point with evidence, but unfortunately your 'evidence' put you way out of the running for understanding the mindset of an average gamer.

I'm pretty sure you take this Skyrim forum thing far too seriously for your own health, sir.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:39 am


The problem with the system is that it's just way too easy to hit high levels of Smithing before you realize that you're killing a ton of game content.

You want to know why there are so many "I'M BORED WITH SKYRIM" threads on the forum? This exact reason.

Some players like myself caught on pretty quick and I set up specific rules to avoid "PLAYING TOO SMART", and I rerolled my character.

A lot of players aren't as smart as me. They're smart enough to take easy advantage when it's offered up to them on a silver platter (or more specifically, by any smith/general vendor in the game), but they don't realize the impacts that it will have on their game -- killing the value of most dungeon loot real damn fast, and accelerating the player level to skip past lower levels of content.

So, they have high end gear and guess what ... they've completed like 15-20% of the game. But the game is "done" for them on the entire gear side of the equation because they've seen it all or have it all. Players that can glue themselves to the story/RP more can still cruise for a bit, but many players start scratching their chin at how boring the game becomes.

I keep asking, but why do you care what random gamers you don't know do with the game?

It's not THAT easy to level it. Finding that much iron or buying that much iron takes a lot of time and money. And leather strips.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:59 pm

I literally installed the game, never googled anything, played for like maybe 3 hours, started buying ore/leather and crafting daggers. Rinse repeat. Never even mined or knew you could mine ore. Realized I could craft almost anything and started laughing.

Restarted, after prologue found Hunting Bow. Stole an Orcish Bow 1 hour later, 30 minutes later found an Elven Bow. Not even trying and I skipped whole tiers of items just by finding stuff...

Crafting isn't the whole point of Blacksmithing, IMPROVING on them is. I.E. Making something with a higher armor rating, Improving weapons damage.

You can't go very high with out points in Blacksmithing. Like I can upgrade Glass to I think Epic?!? with Blacksmithing potions.

I don't know if Daedric items will be availible by anything else but crafting...I'm surei t might, but...I'm level 34...and people still wearing Steel and [censored]...Barely anyone is wearing Glass, Barely anyone is wearing anything higher then ebony...and I'm fighting DAEDRA who should have their own maces/swords/shields...etc...but nope...they are using Steel/Iron/Elven/Dwemer, where as in Oblivion and Morrowind you won't see Daedric items (Well oblivion had the crappy but weighs ten times as much type items...forgot their names) in their prime till you are HIGH in levels.
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Jason White
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:54 pm

Youre all making it too complicated. Its not the daedric weapons/armor itself, its not the ease of leveling smithing or anything else. Its the stupidly high fortify smithing coefficient from enchants and pots. For example before upgrading my daedric swords they had something around 90dmg (i dont remember exactly) after upgrading they have over 250 (i didnt even use the best blacksmiths potion, just some weak 20% i think, same with enchants). I imagine that if you get the best potion and best enchants you can easily go over 300dmg. So the fortify smithing coefficient while doing upgrades is like 200% or something. Just nerf it to the ground (enchants and pots) and make it 20-30% at best. Maybe nerf the basic upgrade too (i have no idea how high is it so i say "maybe") . Problem fixed.

Also the "just dont abuse it" argument is really dumb. For example i didnt know that its considerd op before i staretd playing (hard to know if youre playing since day 1). I picked my usual rpg character: heavy armor, sword using berserker. Crafting materials started stockpiling and it was pretty natural to level proffesions, at 24lvl i had over 80 smithing and enchanting, without any sort of powerleveling. Im pretty sure that many ppl did it too without knowing. And what am i supposed to to now? Use some un-upgraded dwarven swords? Thats just funny.

Your waaay off stat wise. Just for giggles, heres the absolute best heavy armor/one hand weapon stats you can come up with (legitly). This is using max everything. 535 damage on the sword, and this was before I enchanted it.. but the enchants make little difference when it one shots everything as-is.

Absolute best "legit" armor/1H weapon: http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5541/wtftct.jpg
(I forgot to include shield in the picture, but it's just as overkill)

If people don't see the problem then they are in denial. It's a huge problem. Fortify smithing/enchanting needs to be greatly nerfed (50-90%) this includes pots and enchantments.

For anyone wondering this is 29% alchemy/29% smithing sets... used to make 130% smithing potions.. and I forget the exact % for enchanting potions (49%?)

I keep asking, but why do you care what random gamers you don't know do with the game?

It's not THAT easy to level it. Finding that much iron or buying that much iron takes a lot of time and money. And leather strips.

No it doesn't! The NPCs carry TONS of it. I had max smithing a few hours into the game just by buying iron/leather whenever I had money. I had no idea this wasn't "intended", as I stated above this came as comment sense to me as I generally play as a min/maxer... though i've never seen a game allow me to become this overpowered just by playing "the strongest way possible".
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:24 pm

The system isn't broken, your approach is. It's a single player game. Play how you want.

If you can exploit the system without trying to exploit the system and if I have to go out of my way to NOT exploit, that is the game that is broken and not the approach. This would be a different discussion if it were people using console commands to raise their Smithing. I agree, play how you want, but if by me playing how I want - I end up exploiting and end up with an unintentionally broken game, that isn't my fault. That, is what the core complaint is. I don't want to ruin your enjoyment of the game. I just want it so that by making standard game decisions I do not break the game. Being able to enchant, pot, craft the best gear so that the FREAKING VALUE NUMBERS TRUNCATE BECAUSE THE VALUE IS SO HIGH without even cheating - yeah buddy that is a problem. You should have to cheat to break the game. This isn't cheating.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:52 am

I'm pretty sure you take this Skyrim forum thing far too seriously for your own health, sir.

I do? lol

And what about the person I was responding to in that message who set up a focus group, used a stop watch to calculate the exact time an 'average' person spends doing certain actions and concluded that it took 3 hours before smithing broke his game?
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:56 pm

It just seems silly to me that I can master daedric armor by just making iron daggers.

If it seems silly, why don't you rp and spend time making the stuff that makes sense to you?

It's not making you just make iron daggers after all...
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:03 am

I think in general all the skill trees can be power leveled. Want 100 Restoration? Load up on magika pots and fight a wolf while spamming heal spell. 100 pickpocket? Pick any city, pickpocket everyone, sleep, rinse and repeat.

Someone mentioned it earlier, play the game the way you want.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:21 pm

It certainly shouldn't prioritize over stability and bug issues, but I don't see why they specifically "should not" fix it as you and some others seem to suggest (correct me if I'm wrong).

I don't say they shouldn't, if they do, it will be great. But, with many other problems coming around, although, with the size this topic getting, maybe they will find a time to "fix" or "balance" this before people start killing each other.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:54 am

What should be done is something similar to World of Warcraft blacksmithing. Decrease the skill gained from creating a low level item like an iron dagger.
For example: by the time you are level 40 the iron dagger should not increase skill whatsoever.

Does this make sense?

Something similar, just decrease the skill gained from creating a dagger as your skill in blacksmithing increases.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:22 pm

I can also max Illusion casting nothing but Courage on guards
Enchanting my iron daggers with petty soul gems
Conjuration casting Soul Trap on a corpse
Speech selling one item at a time
Alteration casting Candlelight
Restoration jumping off a hill and healing as I run back up.
Blocking by wrapping a rubber band around my right mouse button
Sneak in a corner of an inn
I bet I can even reverse pickpocket an item then steal it from them to level pickpocket

Seems like there is pretty much a way to power level EVERY ability...
But Smithng! Fix that!
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